DnD 5E Races


Here is my own design for the Custom Lineage for building your Race. The idea allows you to choose who if any raised you and make a more unique backstory based on your decisions. 

Custom Lineage

The first thing you will do is choose a base race. This will determine things such as Age, Speed and Size. Choose from the list below.

Race List

• Dragonborn • Dwarf • Elf • Gnome • Half-Elf • Half-Orc • Halfling • Human • Tiefling
• Aarakocra • Aasimar • Fairy • Firbolg • Genasi • Gith • Goliath • Harengon • Kenku • Locathah • Owlin • Tabaxi • Tortle • Triton • Verdan
• Bugbear • Centaur • Goblin • Grung • Hobgoblin • Kobold • Lizardfolk • Minotaur • Orc • Yuan-Ti Pureblood

Once you choose a Race, you use the the following aspects from that Race.
-Creature Type. (Note: If choosing a monster race you are humanoid and whichever that monster race is. Ex. Goblins and Hobgoblins would be Humanoid and Goblinoid.)

Ability Score. Choose one Ability Score and increase it by 2. Choose a different Ability Score and increase it by 1. 


These are what would be your parents, who raised you or your ancestral birth. When creating your Race, you choose two Guardians to represent these factors. Guardians are a Race of your choice. These can either be the same Race or two completely different Races. It is up to you and this will help define your background and your Racial Features.

Guardians. Choose two Guardians from the Race List.

Unique Feature. Choose one of the following for your Race.
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Proficiency in One Skill
-Choose one Language
-Proficiency in one Melee Weapon and one Ranged Weapon
-Proficiency in one set Armor of your choice. (ex. Leather Armor, Chain Shirt, Splint Mail).

Languages. You can read, write and understand Common. Choose up to two Languages from your Guardian choices. These can be choices from any that apply to that Race. (ex. If one of your Guardians is Elf, you can choose Elven or Aquan from the Sea Elf sub race.)

Racial Features

This is where you will choose a Racial Feature based on the Guardian you chose. You choose TWO Racial Feature from each of your chosen Guardians and ONE Racial Feature for each of your chosen Guardians from the Sub Guardian section that is the same Race as your Guardian. If your Guardian does not have a Sub Guardian Race then you choose an additional Racial Feature from that Guardian. If that Guardian does not have enough, then you can choose one from your other Guardian.. At the end of choosing, you should have a total of SIX Racial Features at a minimum. Some Races will have debilitating choices such as Sunlight Sensitivity. Choosing one of these can help with your character and background development. When you choose one of these it doesn't count against the number of choices you have.

If you cannot choose enough Racial Features, use your remaining choices to choose from the Unique Feature section.

Racial Feature Based on Guardian

Depending on the Guardians you have chosen, choose two Racial Features listed under the Race for each of the Guardians and one each for the Sub Guardian.

Some Features will have two as one that are separated by a slash. This means if you choose that one, you get both.

Features of the same name do not stack. (ex. Powerful Build, Flight, Menacing.) You use only one instance of it.


*No Sub Guardian*
-Dragon Ancestry/Breath Weapon
-Dragon Ancestry/Damage Resistance
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Forceful Presence
-Vengeful Assualt
-Chromatic Ancestry/Breath Weapon
-Chromatic Ancestry/Draconic Resitance
-Chromatic Ancestry/Chromatic Warding
-Gem Ancestry/Breath Weapon
-Gem Ancestry/Draconic Resistance
-Gem Ancestry/Gem Flight
-Metallic Ancestry/Breath Weapon
-Metallic Ancestry/Draconic Resitance
-Metallic Breath Weapon (requires Breath Weapon)


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Dwarven Resilance
-Dwarven Combat Training
-Tool Proficiency (Dwarven)

Sub Guardian Dwarf
-Dwarven Toughness
-Dwarven Armor Training
-Superior Darkvision (120ft.)
-Duergar Resilance
-Duergar Magic
-Sunlight Sensitivity (Choose an additional Dwarven Racial Feature in addition to this one. It can be from the Dwarven Guardian or Sub Guardian List.)
-Warder's Intuition
-Wards and Seals
-Spells of the Mark
-Artisan's Expertise


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Fey Ancestry
-Keen Senses

Sub Guardian Elf
-Superior Darkvision (120ft.)
-Sunlight Sensitivity (Does not count against your total.)
-Drow Magic
-Drow Weapon Training
-Fey Step/Autum
-Fey Step/Winter
-Fey Step/Spring
-Fey Step/Summer
-Elf Weapon Training
-Cantrip (Hight Elf)
-Sea Elf Training
-Child of the Sea
-Friend of the Sea
-Nacrotic Resistance
-Blessing of the Raven Queen
-Fleet of Foot
-Mask of the Wild
-Incisive Sense
Blessing of the Moonweaver


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Gnome Cunning

Sub Guardian Gnome
-Natural Illusionist
-Speak with Small Beasts
-Artificer's Lore
-Superior Darkvision (120ft.)
-Stone Camouflage 
-Gifted Scribe
-Scribe's Insight
-Spells of t6he Mark


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Fey Ancestry
-Skill Versatility

Sub Guardian Half-Elf
Choose on the Sub Guardian Elf List


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Relentless Endurance
-Savage Attacks

Sub Guardian Half Orc
Choose on the List of your other Guardian or Sub Guardian.


-Lucky (Halfling)

Sub Guardian Halfing
-Naturally Stealthy
-Stone Resilance 
-Silent Speech
-Children of the Woods


-Skills (Human)
-Feat (Human)


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Hellish Resistance

Sub Guardian Tiefling
*Only one instance of "Legacy" is can be applied. *
-Infernal Legacy
-Legacy of Maladomini
-Legacy of Dis
-Legacy of Phlegethos
-Legacy of Malbolge
-Legacy of Stygia
-Legacy of Minauros
-Legacy of Cania
-Legacy of Avernus
-Devil's Tongue
-Winged (Tiefling, replaces a Legacy if one is taken.)


*No Sub Guardian*
-Flight (Aarakocra)
-Talons (Aarakocra)


-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Celestial Resistance
-Healing Hands (Aasimar)
-Celestial Legacy

Sub Guardian Aasimar
-Radiant Soul (Aasimar)
-Radiant Consumption
-Necrotic Shroud


*No Sub Guardian* 
-Fairy Magic
-Flight (Fairy)


*No Sub Guardian* 
-Firbolg Magic
-Hidden Step
-Powerful Build (Firbolg)
-Speech of Beast and Leaf


-Language (Primordial)
-Choose an additional Sub Guardian that matches the same element if two are chosen from this Race.

Sub Guardian Genasi
-Air/Unending Breath
-Air/Mingle with the Wind
-Earth/Earth Walk
-Earth/Merge with Stone
-Fire/Darkvision (60ft.)
-Fire/Fire Resistance
-Fire/Reach to the Blaze
-Water/Acid Resistance
-Water/Amphibious (Genasi)
-Water/Swim (Genasi)
-Water/Call to the Wave


-Can choose two from the Sub Guardian Gith List

Sub Guardian Gith
-Decadent Mastery
-Martial Prodigy
-Githyanki Psonics
-Mental Discipline
-Githzerai Psonics


*No Sub Guardian*
-Natural Athlete
-Stone Enderance
-Powerful Build (Goliath)
-Mountain Born


*No Sub Guardian* 
-Hare Trigger
-Leporine Sense
-Lucky Footwork
-Rabbit Hop


*No Sub Guardian* 
-Expert Forgery
-Kenku Training
-Mimicry (Kenku)


*No Sub Guardian*
-Natural Armor (Locathah
-Observant and Athletic
-Leviathans Will/Limited Amphibiousness (Locathah)  


*No Sub Guardian* 
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Flight (Owlin)
-Silent Feathers


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Feline Agility
-Cat's Claws
-Cat's Talent


*No Sub Guardian*
-Claws (Tortle)
-Hold Breath (Tortle)
-Natural Armor (Tortle)
-Shell Defense
-Survival Instinct 


*No Sub Guardian*
-Amphibious (Triton)
-Control Air and Water
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Guardians of the Depths


*No Sub Guardian*
-Black Blood Healing
-Limited Telepathy (Verdan)
-Persuasive (Verdan)
-Telepathic Insight


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Long Limbed
-Powerful Build (Bugbear)
-Surprise Attack 


*No Sub Guardian*
-Charge (Centaur)
-Equine Build/Hooves


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Fury of the Small
-Nimble Escape (Goblin) 
-Speak with Small Beasts (Dankwood)
-Agile Climber (Ixalan)
-Grit (Zendikar)


*No Sub Guardian*
-Arboreal Alertness
-Amphibious (Grung)
-Poison Immunity (Grung)
-Poisonous Skin/Water Dependant
-Standing Leap (Grung)


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Martial Training (Hobgoblin)
-Saving Face


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Pack Tacktics
-Sunlight Sensitivity (Does not count against total) 


*No Sub Guardian*
-Bite (Lizardfolk(
-Cunning Artisan (Lizardfolk(
-Hold Breath (Lizardfolk(
-Hunter's Lore
-Natural Armor (Lizardfolk)
-Hungry Jaws 


*No Sub Guardian*
-Horns/Goring Rush
-Horns/Hammering Horns
-Imposing Presence
-Labyrinth Recall
-Menacing (Minotaur)
-Sea Revaer 


*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Aggressive (Orc)
-Primal Intuition
-Powerful Build (Orc)
-Menacing (Orc)
-Savage Attacks (Orc)

Yuan-Ti Pureblood

*No Sub Guardian*
-Darkvision (60ft.)
-Innate Spellcasting (Yuan-ti)
-Magic Resistance (Yuan-ti)
-Poison Immunity (Yuan-ti) 

Races of Tharxsis

These are the races that exist in Eria made famous by the DnD Game Tharxsis: The Final Ascension and the Novel Legends of Tharxsis. These races span all worlds.
NOTE: Ability Scores are the typical ways done in DnD 5E. These can be changed to the rules as follows.
Ability Scores: Increase one ability score by 2, and a different one by 1.


Dragonkin are a race of humanoids that have a dragon's blood running through their veins. They are born from the union between dragons and humans, resulting in a diverse range of colors and appearances.

Appearance Dragonkin are typically taller and stronger than humans, with thick scales covering their skin that offer natural armor. Their scales can range in color from vibrant reds and blues to subtle greens and grays. Dragonkin usually have slitted pupils, sharp teeth, and pronounced claws on their fingers and toes. As they grow older, Dragonkin develop wings that allow them to fly.

Culture Dragonkin society is based around the idea of honor and strength. They are proud of their dragon heritage and strive to embody the qualities that their dragon forebears are known for. As a result, Dragonkin can be fiercely competitive, but they also value loyalty and respect. They tend to be solitary creatures, but they have a strong sense of community with their fellow Dragonkin.

Dragonkin are known for their craftsmanship, especially in metalworking and stonemasonry. They are also adept at magic and are often trained as sorcerers or wizards. Due to their innate abilities and affinity for the elements, Dragonkin are also highly valued as warriors and defenders.

Dragonkin Traits 

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age: Dragonkin mature at a rate similar to humans but can live for several centuries.
Alignment: Dragonkin tend towards lawful alignments due to their emphasis on honor and tradition, but they can also have a strong sense of personal freedom that leans towards chaotic alignments.
Size: Dragonkin are usually taller and bulkier than humans, ranging from 6 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Scaled Armor 3: You have a scaled skin that helps protect you. Which means that you can ignore the first 3 points of damage from any damage of bludgeoning, slashing or piercing that is delt to you..

Breath Weapon: You can use an action to exhale destructive energy based on your draconic heritage. Your breath weapon is determined by your color. Choose a cone of 10ft or a line of 20ft. You deal damage equal to a number of d6's equal to your proficiency bonus. If you have the Extra Attack feature, you can use this as one of your attacks by reducing the amount of damage dice by half, rounded up.

  • Black: Decaying breath that deals Necrotic damage.
  • Blue: Burst of water that deals Bludgeoning damage.
  • Brass: Vibrations that expel dealing Thunder damage.
  • Bronze:  A sharp breath that deals Piercing damage.
  • Copper: Conductive breath that deals Lightning damage.
  • Gold: A pressureized blast that deals Force damage.
  • Green: Puffs of poisonous air that deals Poison damage.
  • Red: Plumes of heat that deals Fire damage.
  • Silver: Torrent of wind that deals Slashing damage.
  • White: Blizzard of snow that deals Cold damage. .

Recharge 6: Once you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until it recharges. At the start of each of your turns, roll a d6 and on a roll of 6, your breath weapon recharges.

Natural Weapons: You have a bite and a claw attack, which are considered unarmed weapon attacks. Your bite attack deals 1d6 piercing damage, and your claw attack deals 1d4 slashing damage.

Flight: Starting at 10th level, you gain wings that allow you to fly. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed, but you can't fly if you are wearing heavy armor


Fairies are a small, graceful race of creatures with an innate connection to nature. They are known for their ability to fly, their affinity for plants, beasts, and insects, and their mischievous nature. Though they are close to being an extinct race, a few rare individuals are said to still exist in remote corners of the world.

Physical Description:

Fairies are small creatures, standing no more than 2 1/2 foot tall. They have slender bodies and delicate features, with skin tones ranging from light to dark. Their most distinctive feature is their wings, which are translucent and come in a variety of colors, including blue, green, purple, and pink.


Fairies are known for their gentle and kind nature, and their deep connection to the natural world. They are typically organized into communities of around 100 individuals, living in burrows or tree houses. They have an affinity for plants and animals, and are skilled at using their natural abilities to nurture and care for them. Despite their kind nature, fairies have a mischievous streak and enjoy playing pranks on each other and outsiders. However, they are more likely to be grumpy than truly angry or vengeful. Fairies are naturally curious and enjoy exploring the world around them. They are fascinated by new things and are always eager to learn more about the natural world.

Fairy Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. Fairies mature at the age of 20 and live up to 200 years.
Size. Fairies are small creatures, typically standing about 2 to 2 1/2 feet tall and weighing about 20 to 30 pounds.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet (5ft in Tiny Form). You also have a flying speed of 30 feet (20ft in Tiny Form).
Alighment. Fairies tend to be good or chaotic good.

Tiny Form. As an action, you can magically shrink yourself to Tiny size (no smaller than 6 inches tall). Only your clothing shrinks with you. Your armor, weapons and equipment does not. They fall into your same space harmlessly around you. You can return to your normal size as an action. When you use this feature, you can't do so again until after you return to your normal size and finish a short or long rest. 

Photosynthesis. Fairies have a unique ability to harness the power of the sun. Once per day, they can bask in sunlight for 1 hour to regain hit points equal to their level.

Mischievous Pranks. Fairies love to play pranks on others, and they have a natural talent for it. You know the Minor Illusion cantrip using Charisma as your spellcasting ability modifier.

Nature's Gift. Fairies love the natural world and the things that are in them. They gain proficiency in Nature and can understand and convey emotions to plants, beasts and insects.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.


The Frogmite race was created by the divine Naqulaki, taking on the form of humanoid frogs. They are an agile and hardy race, with a natural affinity for swimming and the ability to breathe underwater. One of their most unusual traits is their ability to take the form of a humanoid creature they have killed, allowing them to blend in with other races and gather information. Frogmites tend to be curious and adventurous, always eager to explore new places and meet new people.

Frogmites have the appearance of humanoid frogs, standing around 4 to 5 feet tall on average. Their skin is typically mottled green or brown, with a moist and smooth texture. They have webbed fingers and toes, and their eyes are large and round, able to see well in low light conditions. Frogmites have a unique vocalization, able to communicate both in a croaking language and in common. They tend to dress in simple and functional clothing, favoring light and loose fabrics that allow for freedom of movement in the water. Despite their unusual appearance, Frogmites are an endearing and friendly race, known for their love of swimming and their adventurous spirit.

Frogmite Traits

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1. 
Alignment: Frogmites tend towards neutrality, valuing the well-being of their community and personal freedom over strict adherence to any moral code.
Size: Frogmites are medium creatures, standing 4 to 5 feet tall on average.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Frogmite.Age: Frogmites reach maturity around the age of 15 and can live up to 80 years.

Amphibious: You can breathe air and water.

Natural Swimmer: You have a swimming speed of 40 feet.

Mimic Form: When you reduce a humanoid creature to 0 hit points, you can assume its form as an action. You retain this form for up to a number of hours equal to your level or until you end it as a bonus action. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Slimy Body: Your body secretes a slimy mucus that makes it difficult for others to grasp onto you. You have advantage on checks made to escape from being grappled or restrained. In addition, while not wearing armor, your base AC is 13 + Dexterity Modifier.




A friendly and comfortable people who are from the continent of Riggen. Their homeland is based out of Iscaris, a large open land that allows them to be as free as they wish. They are closley related to those of bunnies and rabbits. They come in many different shades betwen white, brown, black and a mixture of them. They look close to humans but have bunny features such as Ears, Nose, Teeth and Tail. These features range from minimal to excessive such as short ears and teeth to long ears and teeth. 

They tend to use their cuteness to help get what they want whether it is good or bad. Some find it difficult to resist their looks and charms. They enjoy the wide open lands and fields so they have enough room to be free. 

Hopkin Traits

Ability Score. Increase your Charisma by 1. Increase a different score by 2.
Age. Hopkin's mature at around the age of 21 and can live up to 240 years.
Size. Hopkin's can range from as short as 4'6" to as tall as 6 feet. You are considered a Medium size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35ft.
Creature Type. You are considered Humanoid and Bunnynoid.
Adorable Appearance. It is difficult for others to resist your natural Charisma. You gain Proficiency in Persuasion and Deception. 
Quick Hop. When making a Long Jump or Standing Leap you only need to move 5ft instead of the normal 10ft and you can jump twice your normal jump distance.
Natural Forager. During a Short or Long Rest, you can find edible vegetation for up to six creatures as long as you are in an area of wilderness.
Gnaw. Your teeth give you a natural weapon. You can make a bite attack using Strength as your modifiers. It deals 1d6 + Strength modifier piercing damage.
Clans. Choose one of the clans to be from.
-Long Ears. You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on hearing.
-Night Eye. You have Darkvision out to 60ft.
-Tiny Nose. You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on smell. 
-True Fang. Your Gnaw is considered magical when overcoming resistances and immunities.

Human (Erian)

These are the most common race that exist on Eria. They are what the normal standard is described as and most if not all other races can easily breed with them allowing for simple half-breeds. The are both great at everything and nothing. Each Human differs from one another based on  their choices throughout their life and experience.

Human Traits

Ability Score. Increase three scores by 1, two of which must be different.
Age. Humans mature at around the age of 16 and can live up to 120 years.
Size. Humans can range from as short as 4'9" to as tall as 7 feet. You are considered a Medium size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Flexible. When choosing your skills from the list on your class, you can choose any of the skills instead of just the ones listed.
Saving Throw Exchange. You can choose one of the Saving Throws you are proficient in and change it to a different one. 
Natural Selection. Gain Proficiency in one Tool or Skill and one language.
Gifted. You gain one Feat that has a Prerequisite. You must still fulfill the prerequisite.
Lifestyle. Choose one of the following:
-Living in Darkness. You have Darkvision out to 60ft.
-Seafaring Life. You gain a 30ft swimming speed.
-Childhood Training. You have Powerful Build.  


Kalkoki Elves



Moon Elves


Paplians are a race of technologically advanced beings who have developed steampunk-era technology beyond what any other race has been capable of. They value knowledge, innovation, and progress above all else, and constantly strive to improve their technological prowess. Because they rely heavily on their technology, they have a hard time dealing with magic, which they see as primitive and unpredictable.

Physical Description

Paplians are taller and more muscular than the average human, with fair skin that is often rough and calloused from long hours spent in workshops or mines. Their eyes tend to be blue or green, colors that see well in low-light conditions. They dress in the steampunk fashion, with leather and brass goggles, metal-framed jackets, and sturdy boots`.

Paplian Traits 

Naming Convention: All Paplians have a specific naming method. The start of either their first or last name must start with "Pap".

Age: Paplians reach maturity at around 20 years old and can live up to 450 years.
Alignment: Paplians tend to be lawful in nature, valuing order and structure. However, their technological focus can lead them to prioritize their own inventions over other considerations, potentially making them more neutral.
Ability Scores: The Paplian are naturally strong and intelligent, gaining a +2 to Strength and a +1 to Intelligence.
Size: Paplians are generally taller than humans, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall. They have a more muscular build, weighing around 200-250 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed: The Paplian have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Thanks to your technological advancements, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Resistance to Disease: Paplians are naturally resistant to diseases, giving them advantage on saving throws against disease-related effects.

Limited Magical Aptitude: Due to their focus on technology, Paplians have a hard time dealing with magic. You have disadvantage on saving throws against magical effects.

Technological Prowess: Paplians are exceptional inventors, and gain proficiency in the Tinker's Tools. Additionally, you can use your Tinker's Tools to quickly create or modify technological devices in the middle of combat or other time-sensitive situations, as long as you have the necessary materials and components. You can do this as an Action. As soon as you do, you can't do so again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Clockwork Mind: Your mind works like clockwork, allowing you to focus on a task with exceptional efficiency. You can choose to gain advantage on one Intelligence-based skill check or ability check, but doing so exhausts you mentally, imposing disadvantage on the next Intelligence-based skill check or ability check you make.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Paplian..



Born of the primal forces of the elements and the corporeal endurance of the humanoid form, Primalkin embody the best of two worlds. They are a testament to the convergence of elemental might and the tenacity of life, forming an extraordinary race with deep connections to the elemental domains.

Primalkin Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Primalkin mature at a similar rate to humans, but they have a lifespan that extends to about 200 years.

Alignment. The alignment of Primalkin is usually influenced by their elemental heritage. They can range from the chaos of an elemental maelstrom to the steady, enduring rhythm of the earth.

Size. Primalkin stand between 5 and 7 feet tall, depending on their elemental lineage. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Accustomed to the eternal twilight of elemental domains, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Elemental Kin. You choose one subtype from the Primalkin subtypes. This choice reflects your elemental heritage and grants you special features.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.

Primalkin Subtypes

When you choose the Primalkin race, you must also choose one of the following subtypes: Firekin, Waterkin, Airkin, Terrakin, Icekin, Shadowkin, Solarkin, Lunarkin, Thunderkin, or Lightningkin.


Firekin have skin tones that range from deep red to bright orange, with hair that seems to flicker and dance like a flame. Some even have glowing markings or lines running along their skin. Their eyes are usually hues of gold or ember-red.

Your elemental heritage is linked with the raw, incandescent energy of fire. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. You gain resistance to fire damage. 

Pyroclasm. You can channel the ferocity of a volcano, emitting an aura of intense heat. As an Action, you can touch a flammable object and set it on fire. Additionally, As a bonus action, you can activate this aura for 1 minute. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of you or moves into a space within 5 feet of you for the first time on its turn takes fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a long rest.


Waterkin are usually blue or green, their skin often glistening as if wet. Their hair flows freely, mirroring the colors of the ocean. Their eyes are as clear as a tranquil sea or as deep as the ocean abyss.

Your lineage traces back to the vast, fluid domains of water. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. You gain resistance to cold damage. 

Fluid Form. You have learned to mimic the adaptability of water, shifting your body's form as a reaction to avoid harm. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a long rest. In addition, you have the ability to breathe underwater and you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.


Airkin have a lighter, almost ethereal presence. Their skin can be sky-blue or cloud-white with hair that seems to float on an unseen breeze. Their eyes reflect the colors of the sky at different times of the day.

The boundless skies and the relentless winds are part of your heritage. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. You gain resistance to lightning damage.

Gale Step. The winds heed your call when you need them. When you fall, you fall slowly and can glide 5ft in any direction for every 5ft you fall taking no damage. In addition, you can move your body like the wind granting you the ability to pass through an opening as small as one inch up to a number of feet equal to five times your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.


Terrakin have skin tones resembling various types of stone or earth, from sandy brown to granite gray. Their hair is usually dark, often containing tiny pebbles or sparkling like gemstones. Their eyes seem deep and enduring, mirroring the diverse colors of the earth.

The strength and stability of the earth define you. Your Strength score increases by 1. You gain resistance to acid damage.

Stonewalker. You have the ability to move through stone with ease. You are unaffected by difficult terrain from stone and dirt like substances and can move along the same substances along walls as if you had a climbing speed. In addition, while you are not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + dexterity modifier + consitution modifier.


Icekin have skin tones that are transparent like ice or white like snow, with hair that seems made of frost or icicles. Their eyes shimmer like ice under the winter sun.

You are born of the chilling austerity and pristine beauty of ice. Your Charisma score increases by 1. You gain resistance to cold damage.

Crystal Mirage. You can create a glimmering illusion of ice and snow to misdirect your enemies. As an action, you can create a duplicate of yourself made of ice in a space you can see within 30 feet of you. This duplicate has 1 hit point and uses your AC and saving throw modifiers. It mirrors your actions on your turn except for casting spells. If you are more then 30ft away from it at the end of your turn, 1 minute has passed or you use a bonus action to dismiss it, it disappears. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a long rest. In addition, when you would be hit by an attack, you can use your Reaction to activate this effect forcing the attack to hit your duplicate instead of you. Once you use this part of the feature in this way, you cant use this part of the feature again until you finish a Long Rest.

Your Crystal Mirage moves the same amount of feet you move in the same direction. It attacks using your ability scores as if you were making an unarmed attack except it deals cold damage equal to your unarmed damage. Abilities and features are not activated through your Crstal mirage. You can use a Bonus Action to move it up to 30ft.


Shadowkin have skin tones from dark gray to black, with hair that seems to absorb light. Their eyes are like shadows given form, usually black or a deep, dark color.

The elusive and enigmatic shadows are woven into your essence. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.

Shadow of Eyes. You can see in magical darkness as if it were bright light out to 60ft. In addition, you can use an action while in dimlight or darkness to turn yourself invisible leaving behind only a pair of your eyes in an illusionary manner. Creatures that rely on darkvision to see in the dark will see an illusionary version of you in the darkness where your eyes were left. When you make an attack or cast a spell, your invisibility is dismissed unless no creatures have made an attack at your illusionary eyes or if they can see past the illusion. Otherwise your invisibility and illusion lasts for 1 minute. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.


Solarkin have skin tones like the warmth of dawn or the golden hue of a sunset. Their hair seems to glow with an inner light, and their eyes are vibrant, mirroring the colors of the sun.

Your legacy is the dazzling radiance and nurturing warmth of the sun. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. You gain resistance to radiant damage.

Inner Light. As an Action, you can cause your body to emit light in a 30ft area creating bright light in that area and 30ft of additional dim light. While this is active, you can use your action to create a Solar Flare causing all creatures within the 30ft of bright light to make a Constitution Saving Throw (Wisdom is your modifier), on a failure, that creature is blinded until the end of your next turn. You can use this portion of the feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.


Lunarkin have skin tones of silver or pale blue, with hair that glimmers like starlight. Their eyes are luminous and serene, reflecting the tranquil beauty of the moon.

The ethereal luminescence of the moon echoes in your spirit. Your Charisma score increases by 1. You gain resistance to psychic damage.

Moon Touched. As a bonus action, you can touch a creature and channel the light of the moon into them restoring a number of hit points equal to 1 + your Charisma Modifier. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.  In addition, your darkvision increases to 200ft.


Thunderkin have skin tones that range from dark blue to stormy gray, with hair that crackles with static. Their eyes flicker like distant lightning, usually in hues of violet or blue.

The resounding echoes of the storm are an integral part of you. Your Constitution score increases by 1 (in addition to the base race increase). You gain resistance to thunder damage.

Eye of the Storm. As a bonus action, you can cause a thunderous sound to burst outward from you out to 60ft in all directions. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw (Constitution is your modifier). On a failure, the target is deafened for 1 minute and can repeat the saving throw at the end of each othe their turns. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. In addition, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that are deafened and you have advantage on saving throws against creatures that are deafened.


Lightningkin have skin tones of electric blue or bright white, with hair that seems to arc and snap with static. Their eyes spark with energy, often in bright, electric hues.

The crackling energy of lightning is in your blood. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. You gain resistance to lightning damage.

Static Shock. When a creature hits you with an attack that is within 5ft of you, you can use your reaction to cause that creature to take Lightning damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus regaining all expended uses on a Long Rest. In addition, you can dash as a bonus action. If you already have an ability that allows you to dash as a bonus action, when you use that ability, you gain a +10 to your movement speed for that dash.


Voidborn are a race of creatures born in the vacuum of space, formed from the energy released into the void. They are medium-sized, with dark purple skin and silver and black eyes. Voidborn have been adapted to life in the vacuum, with no need to breathe, eat, or drink. 

Voidborn have a distinct appearance, with dark purple skin that glimmers in the light. Their eyes are silver and black, reflecting their otherworldly origins. They are similar in size to humans, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall, but their bodies have been twisted and warped by the void, giving them unique abilities. Voidborn are typically thin and lithe, with elongated limbs and a graceful gait. They tend to dress in form-fitting clothing that allows for freedom of movement in the vacuum. Despite their eerie appearance, they are a striking and beautiful race, reflecting the majesty and mystery of the void they call home.

Voidborn Traits

Ability Score Increase: Increase one score by 2 and a different score by 1.
Age: Voidborn do not age in the same way as other races. They are born fully formed and can live indefinitely unless killed.
Alignment: Voidborn are not inherently good or evil, but their upbringing in the cold emptiness of space often leads them to prioritize survival and personal gain over other considerations. As such, they tend to be more neutral in nature.
Size: Voidborn are a medium-sized creature, standing between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Vacuum Adaptation: Voidborn are adapted to survive in the vacuum of space, and are immune to the harmful effects of exposure to the void. They have immunity to Void Sickness and don't need to breathe. eat or drink.

Void Morph: The Void has twisted and warped your physical form, giving you the following abilities:

  • Void Tentacles: You have tentacle-like appendages that can stretch up to 10 feet. You can use these to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you can use your Void Tentacles to grapple creatures up to one size larger than you
  • Void Gaze: Your silver and black eyes have the ability to unnerve and disorient others. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and can use your action to target a creature within 30 feet of you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • Void Shroud: You can turn invisible as an action, remaining invisible until you attack or until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Though they resemble beasts they are humanoid with beastlike appearances. Werefied are born with the Lycanthrope Gene which gives them their animal nature. Because of this, they are not cursed. Werefied would have someone in their ancestry that might have obtained Lycanthropy and passed the genetics down the line. They are fairly common in the world of Eria, but because they have a human looking form, it is never fully known if they are human or werefied.

Werefied Features

Ability Score. Increase one score by 2 and a different one by 1.
Age. Werefied mature at around the age of 16 and can live up to 180 years.
Size. Werefied can range from as short as 4'9" to as tall as 7 feet. You are considered a Medium size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Beast Nature. Choose a beast based on Land (no flying or swimming speed), Air (no swimming speed) or Sea (no flying speed and no walking speed of 20ft or more). 
Animorph. As a bonus action you can adapt your animal form or return back to your normal human form.. When you do, you take on beast features based on your Beast Nature choice and  gain a Natural Weapon Attack that deals 1d4 piercing or slashing damage that is Strength based. You also gain benefits based on your chosen Beast Nature..
Land: You gain a 30ft climbing speed.
Air: You have a flying speed of 30ft.
Sea: You can breathe underwater and have a swimming speed of 30ft.
Natural Selection. Gain Proficiency in one Tool or Skill and one language.
Enhanced Senses. While in your Beast Nature form you gain a benefit based on which you chose.
Land: You have Advantage on Hearing based Perception (Wisdom) checks.
Air: You have Advantage on Sight based Perception (Wisdom) checks.
Sea: You have Advantage on Smell based Perception (Wisdom) checks.
Natural Body. You can cast the Speak with Animals a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. When you reach 7th level, you can cast the Polymorph spell on yourself once per day choosing a Beast that is of your Beast Nature.
