The Droid Hero

Creating A Droid Character

Droid player characters are either to be "self-owned" or to be owned by another player character, with the approval of both the Gamemaster and the player in question. Even if owned by another member of the party, the Gamemaster should ensure that the owner does not abuse his authority by giving unreasonable or unwanted orders to the other player's droid character. A droid player character should be treated the same as any other player character, and in most cases it is best to give suggestions or advice instead of actual orders. In fact, most droid heroes have a heuristic processor so that they can creatively interpret orders and thus justify acting as they wish.

When you decide to play a droid hero, you'll have to pick out a few details about what type of droid your character will be. This is the equivalent of picky a species for a non-droid character. You can play a droid of your own design. The only choices you have to make are choosing your degree, size, and accessories, and assigning your ability scores. Once you have taken note of these details on your character sheet continue with character generation normally.

Determining Ability Scores

Droid characters determine their ability scores the same way non droid characteras do. Droids are classified by the degree, reflecting the types of tasks they typically perform. Generally, 1st degree droids are medical and analytical droids, 2nd degre droids are mechanical and technical droids, 3rd degree droids are protocol and domestic droids, 4th degree droids are security and battle droids and 5th degree droids are labor and utility droids. A droids function does not have to match its degree. Pick a degree for your droid, this determines your ability score modifiers as shown below. 

Droid Degrees

1st                        +2 Wis, +1 Int                    Medical, Analytical
2nd                      +2 Int, +1 Dex                   Astromech, Technical
3rd                       +2 Cha, +1 Wis                 Protocol, Service
4th                       +2 Dex, +1 Str                   Combat, Securtiy
5th                       +2 Str, +1 Con                    Labor, Utility

Droid Size

You can choose to play a Medium or Small droid. Droids of other sizes exist but they are controlled by the GM. Droids of a medium size have a walking speed of 30ft. Droids of a small size have a walking speed of 25ft.

The only size restriction is the 2nd Degree Droid which is restricted to a size of small. All others can be of size small or medium. 

Cost Modifier

Droids of a medium size have a cost multiplier of x1
Droids of a small size have a cost multiplier of x2

Systems and Accessories

You have a heuristic processor and two arm appendages. You may spend up to 1,000 credits on additional locomotion systems, appendages, and accessories as you see fit. You do not get to keep any left over credits, but you still gain the appropriate starting credits according to your class. 

Unlike characters and creatures, droids aree ssentially collections of different equipment called systems. A droid's systems can be upgraded, replaced, and modified many times throughout a droid's operational lifetime. A droid system falls into one of four categories: locomotion, processor, appendage, or accessory.


All droids begin with a base movement speed determined by locomotion system (seeTable11-3:DroidLocomotion). Droids can have more than one locomotion system. Add 500 x the droid's cost factor for these cond locomotion system, 1,000 x the droid's cost factor for the third, 2,000 x the droid's cost factor for the fourth, and 5,000 x the droid's cost factor for the fifth. 

Walking Droids:

Walking droids are the most versatile droids, having legs and feet that let them travel like bipeds, quadrupeds, and other similar creatures. The most common chassis for walking droids is the "humanoid" form (two arms, two legs, and a head). They suffer the usual penalties when moving through difficult terrain. 

Wheeled Droids:

Wheeled droids use one or more powered wheels to move and are generally designed to traverse smooth surfaces. Wheeled droids can't use the Climb skill, and the penalties of moving through difficult terrain are doubled. 

Tracked Droids:

Tracked droids are an improvement on the wheeled droid, having ridged treads that give them more traction. Tracked droids ignore the penalties of natural difficult terrain.

Hovering Droids: 

Hovering droids use repulsor lift technology to float slowly above the ground (within 6ft). They ignore the penalties of natural difficult terrain.

Flying Droids: 

Flying droids use engines of some kind to travel more o rless wherever they please. They are not hampered by any type of terrain, but tend to be the most expensive. 

Burrower Drive 

Mining and other fifth-degree droids can use a burrower drive to tear through large chunks of ore embedded in the crust of a planet or in an asteroid. A burrower drive enables a droid to move at half speed underground. It can also move vertically up or down at a similar rate. 

Gyroscopic Stabilizers 

Using an integrated system of gyroscopes, hydraulics, and high-speed processing, this system gives a droid greater stability. The droid gains advantage to checks and defenses to resist attempts to knock it prone.  

Underwater Drive 

The drive process is simple. The engine draws water in through the front of the drive and expels it quickly out the back. An underwater drive gives th e droid a swim speed equa l to its walking speed.



Walking        25ft     30ft            40ft                  10 x cost factor x (speed/5)  
Wheeled      25ft     30ft            50ft                   5 x cost factor x (speed/5)
Tracked        25ft     30ft            50ft                 20 x cost factor x (speed/5)
Hovering     30ft      35ft            50ft               100 x cost factor x (speed/5)
Flying           40ft      60ft           60ft               200 x cost factor x (speed/5)

(ex. Medium Droid Walking = 10 x 1 x (30/5) which equals 60cr)

Climbing Claws

Claws designed to grip a surface can be added to any droid with a walking locomotion system. Climbing claws grant the droid a climb speed equalto its walking speed.  Climbing claws double the cost of a walking locomotion system. 

Extra Legs

Walking droids are usually bipedal, but a walking droid can be built with three or more legs (usually four) to grant the droid extra stability and carrying capacity. This doubles the cost of the walking locomotion system, but the droid's carrying capacity is one size higher than that of a bipedal droid of the same Strength. 

Jump Servos 

Repulsor lift-assisted jump servos can be added to any droid with a walking locomotion system. Jump servos grant the droid the ability to treat al ljumps as running jumps, even without the normal running start. Jump servos double the cost of a walking locomotion system. 

Magnetic Feet 

Electromagnetic grippers enablea droid to cling to a ship's hull, even when the ship is moving at highspeed. Only droids with walking, wheeled, or tracked locomotion can have magnetic feet. Magnetic Feet double the cost of a locomotion system.


The types of appendages a droid has determines how it is able to touch, hold, lift, carry, push, pull, or place objects. A limb that isn't used for locomotion or balance has one of the following types of appendages: probe, instrument, tool, claw, or hand. Droids can use their appendages to make unarmed attacks. 

A droid can have any number of appendages, but this does not increase the number of actions or attacks the droid can make in a round. 


Few droids have no actual manipulators. The bare minimum is a probe that can push or pull objects. Unarmed damage is 1 + Str modifier.


Instruments are a step up from simple probes. They might be designed to accomplish specific tasks. For example, a droid with a hypodermic syringe as its sole appendage can use the syringe for its intended purpose, but other wise can only push objects with it. A few instruments are actually designed to clamp, and can thus hold objects, but they are generally delicate. A droid using an instrument of this nature has a carrying capacity as if its Strength score were one-quarter of its actual value. Unarmed damage is 1 + Str modifier.


Tool appendages are some what sturdier than instruments. A droid must makea DC 15 Dexterity checkto lift, carry, or drag objects for which its tools were not designed. TheGM might rule that particularly delicate objects havea higher DC. If the check fails, the droid drops the object. Weapons mounted on a droid are considered tool appendages unless otherwise noted. A tool mount does not include the cost of the tool or weapon mounted on it. Unarmed damage is 1 + Str modifier.


Claws are an intermediate step between tools and hands.They are useful for grabbing onto objects to be moved, but aren't very good for tasks that require fine manipulation. While a droid could easily carry a blaster in its claw, it would have difficulty firing it, for example. A droid usinga claw to perform a task that normally requires a true hand must make a DC 15 Dexterity check to succeed at the task. If the check fails, the droid drops the object it is attempting to manipulate. Unarmed damage is 1d3 + Str modifier.


A droid is considered to have a true hand if its gripping appendage includes at least three digits, one of which is opposable. Factory-model 3PO Series protocol droids and Baktoid Combat Automata battle droids come equipped with hands. Unarmed damage is 1d3 + Str modifier.

Telescopic Appendage 

The droid has an appendage that reaches farther from its body than normal. A telescopic appendage has twice the normal reach for the droid's size. For example, a Medium droid with a telescopic appendage has a reach of 10ft.  

Stabilized Mount 

For five times the listed cost and weight, a tool appendage can be stabilized so that it can hold a larger weapon. This allows the droid to use that weapon as if was wielded in two hands.

Magnetic Hands 

Magnetic feet are a common accessory. Droids specializing in extra-vehicular activities are often equipped with them. Magnetic hands function like magnetic feet. When used in concert with magnetic feet, they provide a +2 bonus to any Climb checks made while maneuvering around a hull in space, as well as a +5 bonus to defenses against any attempt to knock the droid off the hull. When magnetic hands are activated, the droid cannot make attacks or use anything requiring its hands, including weapons. 

Projectile Hand 

Fourth-degree droids are programmed for combat and security, but other droids can defend themselves as well. A popular modification is a projectile appendage, usually a hand on humanoid droids. When the projectile is activated, the hand flies toward the target. It is considered a nonlethal weapon. A droid might use a projectile hand in order to stun an aggressor or knock a blaster away rather than risking destruction in a blaster f ight. The basic package is a tension-spring device that costs 250 credits to install. A projectile hand is considered to be a ranged simple weapon that deals 2d8 damage. Additionally, the projectile hand can be used to make a ranged disarm attempt against a target within 30ft. 

Quick-Release Coupling 

Some droids require frequent changes of tools and equipment to carry out their designated tasks. A tool-sized quick-release mechanism allows a droid (or a mechanic) to swap a tool in a interact with objects and bonus actions: one to detach the tool and one to attach another. Both the appendage and the tool must have quick-release couplings. The appendage-sized quick release mechanism allows a droid (or a mechanic) to swap an appendage in a Interact with objects and an Action: one to detach the appendage and one to attach another. Both the appendage and the droid chassis must have quick-release couplings. A tool-sized quick-release coupling cannot be used with an appendage-sized coupling. Additionally, to swap out its own appendage or tool, a droid must have must have another appendage capable of carrying out the task, usually a hand or claw appendage of sufficient size, strength, and agility. A droid mechanic must also be capable of handling the weight of the tool or appendage. Swapping appendages with a quick-release coupling does not require a Mechanics check. 

Remote Limb Control 

A disassembled droid is usually not a threat. Most beings overlook a pile of droid parts on the floor and keep moving. This package allows a droid to voluntarily remove an arm or a hand and operate it as if it were still attached to the droid's body. This equipment comes in basic and deluxe versions. The 1500-credit basic package enables one specified limb to operate on its own. The limb has a small repulsor unit inside it, allowing it to move (hover) up to 30ft, and remains functional at a maximum range of 120ft. While detached, the limb can perform any action it would normally be able to if attached to the droid. The 6,000-credit deluxe package enables multiple limbs to be active at once. A droid can control a number of limbs equal to 1 + its Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). 

Rocket Arm 

This illegal modification is derived from the nonlethal projectile appendage security systems available for noncombat droids. A rocket arm is essentially a hollowed-out droid arm in which the servo control has been replaced by a short-range rocket engine and fuel. The arm's fine control is eliminated, but the droid can point its arm at a target and fire. The arm detaches and flies at the target, detonating the remaining fuel on impact. Rocket arms are unguided projectiles without targeting computers. This illegal modification costs 2,000 credits and installation requires a DC 20 Mechanics check. Failure on the Mechanics check means the rocket might not detach properly when fired, exploding and dealing its damage to the droid and all targets in a 5ft radius. The rocket arm is considered to be a ranged heavy weapon that deals 3d8 points of damage upon detonation, with a 5ft radius damage.


A droid can't perform any functions without its processor (also known as a droid brain). which contains all thebasic information the droid needs to move its appendages, travel from place to place, behave in a certain way, and so on. A droid's Intelligence score reflects the quality of its processor. Low-intelligence droids tend to specialize in single tasks that require no deductive capability. High-intelligence droids are considerably more versatile-and more expensive. 

Basic Processor:

Basic processors are not designed for creative thought and problem solving, and as such most droids interpret instructions andb ehavioral inhibitions very literally. Furthermore, basic processors are very limited in that the droid cannot perform any task for which it was not programmed. For example, a droid thatis not trained in the Deception skill can not lie or otherwise convey false or unknown information. A droid with a basic processor can not use any skill untrained except for Acrobatics, Athletics and Perception. Similarly, a basic processor doesnot allow a droid to use any weapon with which it is not proficient, and a droid's behavioral inhibitors may prevent it from harming sentient living beings altogether Every droid comes with a basic processor, at the very least.

Heuristic Processor:

This type of processor allows a droid to learn by doing, usually without instruction. The droid is able to reason throug hseveral potential solutions to tasks and formulate the best approach. Because of this, a droid with a heuristic processor may use skills untrained, just like any other character. Similarly, the droid can wield a weapon even if it is not proficient in its use (but stil ltakes the normal penalty on attack rolls). In addition, a droid with a heuristic processor can creatively interpret its instructions, allowing it to complete tasks in a manner that it deems appropriate. A heuristic processor allows a droid to work around its behavioral inhibitors as long as it can justify a given action. Forexample, a non combat droid with a heuristic processor can attack and even harm sentient living being as long as it believes that doing so will ultimately save more sentient living beings from harm. Overtime, a droid equipped with a heuristic processor develops a unique personality based on experience. Because of this, memory wipes and restraining bolts are commonly used to ensure that a heuristic processor doesn't allow a droid to stray too far from its intended purpose. Still, some progressive masters actually encourage their droids to break their programming, trusting the droid's judgment to make independent decisions without taking advantage of the situation. 

Remote Processor:

The droid's processor isn't located in the droid; instead, the droid is actually a drone for a remote processor. The processor is equipped with a transmitter that allows a droid equipped with the appropriate remote receiver to operate as far away as 5 km( for the least expensive model) to as much as 5,000 km( forthe most expensive model). The advantage of a remote processor is that it makes the droid much less expensive because it only needs a receiver instead of a local control system. The draw back is that the droid doesn't react as quickly as a droid with an internal processor, so it takes a-2 penalty to its Dexterity.

Remote Receiver: 

This unit allows a droid to receive instructions from a remote processor. Only droids with out internal processors can be fitted with remote receivers. A remote receiver can only be connected to one remote processor at a time. Changing the connection to a different remote processor requires a DC 20 Mechanics check and a toolkit. 

Backup Processor: 

A droid witha remote receiver can also have a back up processor that allows the droid to function even if it loses contact with its remote processor. The droid will continue executing its last received orders until contact is reestablished.

Synchronized Fire Circuits:

A droid with a remote receiver can have synchronized fire circuits that better coordinate its actions with other droids. When successfully using the Help action to assist another droid connected to the same remote processor, a droid with synchronized fire circuits grants an additional +2 bonus to the other droid's check or roll.


Any miscellaneous system that does not fall under one of the above categories can be considered an accessory. Accessories add functions or improve existing systems on a droid,making them more capable and efficient. The Droid Accessories Table  summarizes the various accessories described in this section.

Cost and Weight:

Sometimes a droid accessory hasa flat cost or weight. Often the cost and/or weight is determined by multiplying a base number by the droid's cost factor, which is determined by the droid's size.


Some droid accessories have limited availability or are strictly regulated, as described in Restricted Items (seepage118). 


Droids can be equipped with built-in armor that provides an armor bonus to Armor Class. Bipedal droids with two hand appendages can also wear armor designed for humanoid creatures; however, the armor bonus granted by built-in droid armor does not stack with the armor bonus provided by worn armor. Droid Armor Table summarizes the different types of built-in droid armor available. The bonus given to base AC, droids add their Dexterity Modifier like normal.


A droid with built-in light, medium, or heavy armor takes no penalty to its speed. 

Armor Check Penalty:

A droid with built-in armor takes an armor check penalty on skill checks made using the following skills: Stealth, and Atheltics (Swim). The type of armor worn determines if there is a penalty. 

Availability Armor:

Some armor has limited availability. 
Rare: This armor is rarely for sale on the open market. The price of the armor on the black market is usually double the listed cost.
Licensed, Restricted, Military, or Illegal: Ownership of the armor is limited or strictly regulated, as described in RestrictedI tems (seepage 131).


All droids are capable of emitting the sounds necessary to speak Binary, a language used by droids and computers to quickly transmit large amounts of information(.


The droid is equipped with a speaker that enables it to emulate speech, rather than simply spout machine code. This device is standard if the droid has ability to speak any language other than Binary.


The droid is equipped with an integrated comlink system.It is otherwise identical to the standard comlink.

Diagnostics Package

Some droids are equipped to perform diagnostics, either as an aid to a technician or as a general safety feature. The diagnostic package givesa droid a+2 equipment bonuson Mechanics checks to diagnose problems. 

Hardened Systems

Droids of Large or greater size can be designed to have internal armor and redundantsy stems that enable it to continue functioning despite heavy damage. This is represented by a multiplier that increases the bonus hit points and damage threshold based on the droid's size. For example, a Large droid with hardened systems x 3 would have +30 hit points and a + 15 bonus to its damage threshold instead of the usual + 10 hit points and + 5bonus to its damage threshold.

Internal Storage

The droid has a certain amount of open space in its chassis, allowing for the addition of new internal components or compartments for carried items. Droids of Tiny size or smaller can not have internal storage. For each 50 credits spent, the droid can carry 1kg of material or equip-ment in internal storage. A droid's size determines the maximum weight of items stored ininterna lstorage, as noted below:

Spring-Loaded Mechanism:

This device allows a Small, Medium, or Large droid to launch an item held in an internal storage compartment up to 30ft as an action. The item can weight no more than 4 kg, and the droid makes a ranged attack against 10 to launch the projectile in to a designated space it can see. Anyone within reach of the target space who has a readied action or reaction can try to catch the item, provided the droid's attack succeeds. (If the attack fails, the item lands in a randomly determined space adjacent to the target square.) Catching the item requires a DC 10 Dexterity check.

Locked Access

A droid with locked access has its shutdown switch secured or located internally, preventing it from being shut off by an opponent. The droid must be disabled or other wise rendered helpless before it can be shutdown.

Secondary Battery

A secondary battery sometimes called a redundant battery or a backup battery, provides the droid with additional power allowing it to operate for a longer duration. The secondary battery enables the droid to remain operational and only require 2 hours of time to recharge instead of 4. 


Sensors allow the droid to perceive its surroundings. Most droids are equpped with a standard sensor array that gives them the visual and auditory acuity of an average Human. For an additional cost, a droid can be outfitted with an improved sensor package or with darkvision

Improved Sensor Package

A droid with an improved sensor package becomes proficient in Perception checks and darkvision of 30ft.


This enables the droid to see in low light and dim areas giving it darkvsion out to 60ft. If the droid also has the Improved Sensor Package the darkvision is instead extended to 90ft.

Translator Unit

The droid is equipped with a device that allows it to understand and convey information in a varitety of languages, including nonverbal ones. When the droid experiences a form of communication for the first time, it makes an Intelligence check to determine wheather it can identify and understand the language. The DC is based on the Translator units database, with the better units having a lower DC.

Sensor Booster: 

Probe droids try to coax a little more range out of their sensor equipment to get that extra amount of information about the area they are scanning. A sensor booster is a droid enhancement that extends the range of its sensors to a maximum of 30ft, if the droid has a sensor pack installed. 

Sensor Countermeasure Package: 

Droids operating covertly must avoid drawing attention to themselves. The sensor countermeasure package broadcasts signals that interfere with incoming sensor signals. A droid equipped with the sensor countermeasure package can make a Use Computer check to avoid being detected. If the Use Computer check equals or exceeds a Perception check made to detect the droid through any form of nonvisual sensor equipment, the droid remains undetected. 

YV Sensor Package: 

Standard on the YVH-Series battle droid, a YV pack can be successfully installed on other droids, including mouse droids. The YV pack features highly specialized sensors calibrated specifically to detect Yuuzhan Vong, including those concealed by ooglith masquers or other methods. The sensor pack grants a +10 bonus to Perception rolls to detect Yuuzhan Vong within 60ft and within line of sight of the droid. 

Shield Expansion Module 

This accessory enables a droid with a energy shield to expand its own shield by 5ft radius, allowing an adjacent Medium or smaller ally to benefit from the droid's Energy Shield. Only droids of Small or larger size can use this accessory.  

Silence-Bubble Generator 

The silence-bubble generator creates an energy sphere that dampens sound waves. The apparatus is originally marketed as a way for music lovers to enjoy their favorite music without being disturbed by noise. However, spies and crime lords also find the generator useful. Activating the silence bubble is a action . The bubble covers 15ft raidus of the droid. Any attempt to hear anything inside the bubble by someone outside of the bubble takes a -10 penalty to Perception checks. 

Space-Beacon Launcher 

Space beacons are used by pilots and flight crews to mark specific locations or to help navigate through hazardous areas of space. A beacon is 6 inches long and can transm it a signal throughout an entire star system, if it is not blocked by nebular gases or signal jamming systems . The spacebeacon launcher-modeled after a small version of the standard space mine launcher-enables a droid to quickly position space beacons while in flight. The system can carry up to 12 beacons. Additional storage can be added, increasing the cost of the launcher by 10% for each additional beacon (up to a maximum of 24 beacons). Locating a beacon requires a DC 10 Use Computer check when using a ship's sensor system. 

Survival Kit 

Droids do not worry about water, food, or the elements, but their ally's do. A survival kit is the perfect accessory for long treks into the wilderness. It contains a small refrigeration unit, a water recycler and dispenser, a rechargeable glow rod, and a fire sparker. When aiding a Survival check, a droid with this accessory gives a +4 bonus to the check .


Many star systems prohibit droids from carrying lethal weapons or having such systems installed without the proper permits. A taser is a nonlethal projectile weapon that droids can use to defend themselves. It fires two small projectiles attached to long, thin wires that deliver an electric charge that incapacitates an organic target's nervous and muscular systems. If the target is a droid, the electric current acts like an ion gun and interferes with the droid's systems. Additionally, a taser can be used as a melee weapon like an electroshock probe. The taser deals 2d4 lightning damage and the target must make a Constitution Saving throw DC 10. On a failure the target falls prone. While the target is still attacted to the wires you can use your action to deal the damage instead of having to make another attack roll. 

Video Screen 

This accessory gives the droid a small, built-in video screen to display text, translations, diagnostics, programming, pictures, and other information. Screen sizes vary from 50mm to 500mm and are priced at 1 credit per square millimeter of screen size. 

Voice-print Command Lock 

This accessory ensures that a droid is able to obey only its master or itself. With a voice-print command lock installed, a droid follows only commands issued by a single source. The droid analyses the voice print and ignores commands from anyone else. A recording of the master's voice can be used, but getting the droid to obey a recorded command requires a Use Computer check against the droid's Intelligence Saving throw. 

VVeapon Detector 

Droids use sophisticated sensor systems, which can easily be adjusted to offer additional security. A weapon-detector package features a high-frequency receiver that can detect the hum of a deactivated vibro weapon. It can also perform a chemical analysis to detect tibanna gas residue on blasters. A weapon-detector package allows a droid to add its Intelligence modifier to Perception checks made to Search for weapons. 

Antitheft Comlink Locator 

Some droids are equipped with internal comlinks to broadcast messages. However, these devices require the droid to speak out loud, and in some situations such an act is inadvisable. A droid equipped with an antitheft comlink locator can send a distress signal to allies on the same comlink channel with no apparent activity by the droid. The distress signal broadcasts no information, but it can it be tracked. The signal continues to broadcast if the droid is deactivated, but it shuts down if the droid is destroyed. 

Audio Enhancers 

Audio enhancers increase the sensitivity of a droid's aural sensors, enabling it to pick up sounds not normally perceived by standard sensors. When eavesdropping or listening for distant and ambient sounds, a droid equipped with audio enhancers can reroll Perception checks, taking the better of the two results. All other modifiers for the Perception check still apply. 

Audio-Radial Stunner 

This defense system protects droids in dangerous situations. As a action, the audio-radial stunner broadcasts a short-ranged, high-pitched frequency on all channels, calling attention to the droid and stunning any nearby creatures. Until the end of the droid's next turn, any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the droid must make a DC 20 Constitution check. Failure causes the creature to become deafened for 1 minute. The stunner shuts down if the droid is deactivated or destroyed. 


An automap system actively scans the area within a 60 foot radius of a droid in which it is installed. The scan reveals terrain, atmospheric conditions, electromagnetic signatures, and lifeforms. However, an automap scan cannot penetrate solid objects such as walls and closed doors. The scan also includes navigational information, such as the droid's direction and speed when readings were taken as well as global coordinates if the droid can establish a link to an orbiting satellite or starship. 

Blaster Recharge Interface 

This hand accessory enables a droid to recharge a standard blaster pack for itself. As a bonus action, the droid can plug in and transfer energy to the power pack. Recharging a power pack depletes energy from the droid. For each recharge, the droid loses hit points equal to one of the blaster's damage-dice type. Thus, a droid recharging a power pack for a blaster pistol (1d8) takes 8 points of damage (since the die type is d8). 

Collapsible Construction 

A droid sometimes needs to be stowed in places where it usually would not fit. For example, a droid stowed in a smaller cargo space might surprise an enemy. The collapsible construction modification allows a droid to lower its Size category by one when it shuts down. The droid brain enters stand-by mode while it compacts itself into a smaller size. The droid can reactivate at any time as a action. 

Communications Countermeasure System 

One of the first things enemy forces do after discovering a droid is prevent the droid from establishing communications to request rescue or call for help from its allies. A communications countermeasure system prevents jamming of a droid's communications. The system broadcasts signals on multiple frequencies to counteract interference. A droid with a communications countermeasure system gains advantage to all Use Computer checks made to overcome communications jamming. 

Communications Jammer 

When behind enemy lines, a droid takes every possible precaution to ensure that anyone who finds it is unable to call for help or alert others about the droid's presence. The communications jammer allows a droid to jam any comlink signal by interfering with a facility's communications systems or by directly jamming signals in the droid's general vicinity. A communications jammer grants a droid the ability to make a Use Computer check to slice into a communications system and shut it down. The droid also gets the to maintain that status if anyone attempts to stop the jamming with a contested Use Computer check. Once the droid has successfully connected with the communications system and begun jamming, it can continue jamming the system until it disconnects or it is forced out. The signal jammer emits signals at multiple frequencies to interfere with any comlink signals within a 1- kilometer radius of the droid. The droid must make a Use Computer check to successfully jam any incoming or outgoing comlink signals contested by the sender. 

Concealed Item

Required: Built in droid armor

This system enables the droid to have a weapon or a tool built into a hidden compartment in its body, an appendage, or its head. With this system, a weapon can also be camouflaged to look like a standard tool or appendage. For example, an arm can hide a blaster rifle, or a beam cutter might actually be a blaster pistol. Typically, the size of the appendage must be similar to the size of the concealed weapon or tool. If the item is fully concealed by the droid's armor or outer covering, it cannot be detected by visual observation alone. If a weapon is not fully concealed and portions are visible, such as a muzzle or blade, then when being searched for weapons the droid can make a Sleight of Hand check to conceal the weapon. The droid also gains advantage to Deception checks to create Deceptive Appearances with regards to the concealed item. The cost of concealing a weapon or a tool equals the base cost of the item plus the cost of the appendage/Torso. The Gamemaster can increase the cost multiplier to account for complex or unusual installations (for example your head). Deploying a fully concealed weapon is a bonus action, and it is subject to the same bonuses and penalties as drawing a weapon. It is required to have built in droid armor to use this accessory.

Courier Compartments 

Droids are sometimes used as messengers to deliver important messages and items across the galaxy. To protect items entrusted into their care, these droids can have hidden courier compartments installed in their chassis. Such compartments are also favorites of smugglers who own droids. A droid with a courier compartment might walk right past a starport inspection team that is on the way to tear its master's ship apart. Courier compartments can be installed in four locations within a droid. A courier compartment in the torso can hold an item that is 3 sizes smaller than the droid's size. A compartment in the arm or leg can hold an item that is 4 sizes smaller than the droid's size. A head compartment can hold an item that is 5 sizes smaller. Detecting a courier compartment requires a successful Perception check with a DC equal to the 13 + Intelligence Modifier. A common accessory in a courier compartment is a toaster, which destroys the contents of the compartment with a brief blast of plasma energy triggered by the droid. Installing a toaster into a courier compartment doubles the cost of the compartment.  

Credit Reader 

Interplanetary banks and crime lords have one common interest: They need to know how much money a client has before they do business. Whether a line of credit or hard currency, a credit reader determines whether a target's credits are real or if a line of credit exists for that being. The credit reader gives the droid advantage on Perception against any Deception check made to forge credit accounts or financial documents. The droid can also instantly count any sum of hard credits presented to it as a free action. 

Earphone Binary-to-Basic Translator 

Binary is the primary language of droids. This translator unit is installed on a droid's Basic-output jack, a standard jack found on most droids that enables them to connect to a terminal or a data pad and to express themselves in written Basic. The translator converts audible Binary into audible Basic, transmitting the spoken words to an earphone receiver. The less expensive version requires a large headphone set, while the more expensive version transmits to an earbud receiver. Detecting the earbud requires a Perception check of DC 20. 

Electric Defense Grid 

Most combat droids are effective at using blasters and other ranged weapons. Some models, however, fail miserably at melee combat and are quickly dispatched by enemies that gain the upper hand in close quarters. To improve a droid 's melee defenses, an electric defense grid can be installed either on top of or as part of the droid's armor or outer shell. Whenever a droid with an electric defense grid is damaged by a melee attack, the attacker automatically takes 5 points of energy damage. Melee weapons that rely on energy to cause damage, such as lightsabers, are immune to the effect of the electric defense grid. 

Emergency Oxygen Supply 

This accessory is installed on search-and-rescue droids sent to recover pilots who bailout during combat. The small oxygen tank attached to the droid's torso provides enough oxygen for a creature of Medium size for 30 minutes. The tank can be used to recharge a vac suit's supply, or the oxygen can be administered through a breath mask attached to the tank. Connecting the supply to a vac suit is a bonus action. Securing the breath mask is a action. 

Hidden Holster 

Some fourth-degree droids lack built-in weapons attached directly to the droids' appendages. This attachment gives a droid access to a weapon without having to visibly carry it. Installed in a droid's leg, the holster can hold a weapon on size category smaller than the droid, or smaller. As a free action, the droid can activate the holster, which opens up, providing access to the weapon. The droid can draw or holster the weapon as a Interact with objects action.  

High-Speed Cutting Torch and Welding System 

A droid can be equipped with a powerful cutting torch and a welding system for use in repair operations and for cutting materials, doors, or other items. This bulky and heavy device can be install ed only on droids of Medium size or larger. The precision welder can be used for small repairs and for large construction welds, typically in half the time required by a normal welding unit. The cutting torch has a range of 5ft and deals 1d 10 fire damage. When in contact with an object for two or more consecutive rounds, the torch also ignores 5 points of AC and reduces the object's durability giving it a perminant -1 to its stats until it is repaired. 

Holographic Game System 

In spite of all the utilitarian functions that a droid can perform, owners might want to use their droids for entertainment. A holographic game system provides fifteen of the galaxy's more popular games, including dejarik, pazaak and sabacc. The droid can serve as an opponent, or it can run the game so others can play. The game is projected through the droid's holoprojector and does not require a solid surface for game play. The game- system processor is sufficiently advanced to allow a player to interact with the board as if he or she is actually picking up the holographic playing pieces. The game system is adaptable, allowing ten additional games to be added to its database with a successful DC 15 Use Computer check.

Holographic Image Disguiser 

The holographic image disguiser hides a droid's true appearance. A central processor installed in the droid's chassis coordinates several small, full-color, high-resolution holoprojectors installed at various points on the droid's body. The disguiser's processor synchronizes the holographic image with the droid's movements and its vocabulator, making the disguise particularly lifelike. The basic model is essentially a standard holoshroud, granting the droid a Deceptive Appearance and takes 10 minutes for it to complete the disguise. An advanced model, for double the price, includes sensor nodes that track a number of other factors, such as ambient temperature and weather conditions, making the image react to those variables. The advanced model allows the droid to disguise its appearance as a action. 

ID Dodge

Some automated security systems check biometric data before granting access to an area. Droids cannot provide retinal scans, fingerprints, or other unique biological features. The ID dodge simulates such information, allowing a droid to access secure areas. This accessory allows the droid to use its Deception check instead of a Use Computer check on any security device that requires organic biometric identification. 

Interference Generator 

This accessory is a favorite of nobles who want to keep their conversations private. A droid with an interference generator emits a low-frequency sound that interferes with any listening equipment such as bugs, microphones, or other audio recording devices. The deluxe version also interferes with video and holographic recording devices. The generator masks everything adjacent to the droid in a 5ft radius. Anyone eavesdropping or reviewing recordings of targets protected by an interference generator must make a DC 30 Perception or Use Computer check to pick up even scattered words and phrases. 

Internal Defenses

A droid with internal defenses has built-in defenses that operate independently of the droid. Anyone opening the droid's maintenance or access panels without the droid's permission receives an electric shock as a 1d20+5 attack against the character's AC. If the attack succeeds, the character receives damage equal to 1d8 + half the droid's level. The droid is unharmed. The system remains active until disabled (Mechanics DC 25, 1 hour of work) or is depleted after 10 attacks. 

Internal Grapple Gun

Prerequisite: Proficient with Grapple Gun

When a droid needs to reach an inaccessible area, an internal grapple gun can be indispensible. The gun fires a magnetic grapple hook with an ultra-thin cord. The internal compartment holds 60ft of cord, and an external magazine can hold up to 100ft of cord. The cord can be detached from the droid as a free action. Firing the grapple is anaction. 

Mesh Tape Dispenser 

Mounted on an appendage, a mesh tape dispenser enables a droid to quickly apply mesh tape to anything within reach of its manipulator (usually an adjacent square). In addition to its more conventional uses, an installed mesh tape dispenser can be used by a droid to entangle an adjacent enemy. With a successful melee attack, the droid can hinder either the target's arms or its legs. If the target's arms are hindered, it incurs a -2 penalty to all attacks and Dexterity-based skill checks. If the target's legs are hindered, its speed is reduced by by half, and it cannot dash. 

Micro Shield 

The force shield is a tool that prevents incoming attacks from hitting and damaging the wielder. Attached to one of the droid's appendages, the shield is composed of a central hub with two wide arcs mounted on struts above and below the hub. When inactive, the arcs rest against the hub in the shape of a large humanoid eye. When the droid activates the unit as a bonus action, the arcs slide away from the hub, activating a translucent energy shield that provides a + 1 AC. The force shield is originally designed to be installed on a droid's arm, but a handheld version that runs on a single energy cell is available for 400 credits. The energy cell provides enough power to run the shield continuously for 1 hour. 

Multifunction Apparatus 

Each type of droid appendage performs one specific function. The multifunction apparatus, however, allows up to three tools or weapons to be attached to a single appendage. The multifunction apparatus is commonly used to mount multiple weapons. Only one tool or weapon can be active at a time, but switching to a different tool or wea pon requires only interact with objects action. 

Multispectrum Searchlight 

This handheld or installed accessory is a powerful spotlight that shines visible, infrared , or ultraviolet light. It has a 60ft range and is powered by the droid's own internal power supply. Droids able to see the projected light gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks to Search and Notice Targets and to other situations in which the Gamemaster judges that the light provides an advantage. The light can also be used to blind targets in a 15ft cone. All targets within the cone receive a -10 penalty to Stealth checks. As an action, each creature in the cone must make a Constitution saving throw, DC 8 + proficiency + INT Modifier, on a failure target is blind until the end of the droid's next turn. This accessory can be used only by droids of Small size or larger. 

Radiant Heat Element 

This accessory enables a droid to radiate heat from its torso, providing warmth necessary for an alliy's survival in the wilderness or in deep space. The heat can be adjusted to provide ambient warmth or to boil water and cook food on the droid's exterior. The heating element can also be used by the droid as a defensive tool. When the radiant heat element is on its highest setting, any character ending its turn adjacent to the droid takes ld4 fire damage from the droid. The droid itself takes 1 point of damage from the heat each turn .

 Remote Receiver Jammer 

The portable remote receiver jammer is developed during the Clone Wars to scramble battle droid remote processor links at short range, rendering the droids useless. The jammer incorporates a backpack transmitter and a handheld computer controller. Remote receiver jammers have three significant weaknesses: They have an extremely short range; datalinks are notoriously difficult to disrupt; and many droids have backup processors. A remote receiver jammer can be activated as a action, and the jammer affects all droids with remote recievers and no backup processors. When the jammer is activated, the droid using the jammer makes a Use Computer check. At the start of any affected droid 's turn, compare the results of the Use Computer check to the droid's Intelligence saving throw ; if the Use Computer check is higher than the droid's Save, the droid can take no actions until the start of its next turn. The droid activating the jammer must activate it each turn, making a new Use Computer check each time. 

Remote Receiver Signal Booster 

Droids that rely on a remote processor for instructions cannot stray too far from that processor without risking losing contact and becoming stranded. A remote receiver signal booster can prevent this loss of contact. The signal booster increases the receiver's reception strength , extending the range of a droid by 50%. A successful DC 30 Use Computer check made by the droid can further extend the range up to 100% for 1 hour. 

Remote Viewer 

The remote viewer is a small, self-contained visual and audio sensor attached to a micro-sized repulsorlift unit. Functioning as one of a droid's regular audio and visual sensors, the remote viewer can be externally mounted, concealed, or made to look like one of the droid's regular sensors. However, the droid can detach the unit and send it to inspect an area remotely. The viewer can travel up to 60ft away from the droid, has a speed of 20ft, AC 18, Hit Points 12, and it runs for 30 minutes before needing to be recharged for


A repulsorcam is an audio and video recorder mounted on a tiny repulsorl ift. The device can detach from a droid's chassis, float to where its droid desires, up to 60ft away, and record events. The repulsorcam can record up to 2 hours of audio and video data to its own memory. The unit has a speed of 20ft, AC 16, and Hit Points 10. A single energy cell powers the repulsorcam for 4 hours, recharging when it reattaches to the specialized socket on the droid or when it lands on a separate recharging unit available for an additional 150 credits. 

Scomp Link 

A scomp link is a universal data port mounted on an extendable arm, available for many types of droids. Astromech droids have them as standard equipment. Scomp link ports are standard input/output links, found on computer systems and starships throughout the galaxy. Using a scomp link gives a droid a +2 equipment bonus to Use Computer checks to Access Information when the computer's attitud e toward it is helpful or friendly.



Claw                    20 x cost factor
Hand                   50 x cost factor 
Instrument            5 x cost factor
Probe                    2 x cost factor
Tool                      l0 x cost factor
Climbing Claws   2 x appendage cost
Jump servos        2 x appendage cost
Magnetic feet      2 x appendage cost  
Telescopic           2 x appendage cost


Comlink, internal          250cr
Vocabulator                     50cr 
Diagnostics package    250cr 

Hardened systems

Hardened system x 2      1,000cr x cost factor
Hardened system x 3      2,500cr x cost factor
Hardened system x 4      4,000cr x cost factor
Hardened system x 5      6,250cr x cost factor 

Internal Storage

Compartment space (per Item) 50cr 
Spring-loaded mechanism       150cr 
Locked access                           50cr


Heuristic processor                2000cr

Remote processor 
5-km range processor            100cr
50-km range processor          1,000cr
500-km range processor        10,000cr
5,000-kmrangeprocessor       1,000,000cr

Remote receiver                       -500cr
Back up processor                     100cr
Synchronized fire circuits          150cr
Restraining bolt                           5cr
Secondary battery                      400cr


Improved sensor package         200cr
Darkvision                                    150cr

Translator Unit

DC 20                                           200cr
DC 15                                            500cr
DC 10                                           1000cr
DC 5                                           2000cr

Droid Armor

ARMOR                           COST                           AC Bonus                   WEIGHT(lbs)
Light Metal
Plasteel Shell            400 x cost factor                   +4                                2
Quadanium Shell      900 x cost factor                   +5                                3
Durasteel Shell*        1600 x cost factor                 +6                                 8
Quadanum Plating   2500 x cost factor                 +6                                 10
Durasteel Plating*     3600 x cost factor                +7                                  12

Standard Metal
Quadanium Battle Armor  4900 x cost factor       +7                                   7
Duranium Plating*               6400 x cost factor      +8                                  16
Durasteel battle armor      9600 x cost factor       +8                                   8

Heavy Metal
Mandalorian Steel Shell      8100 x cost factor        +9                                9
Duranium Battle Armor*      10,000 x cost factor     +10                              10
Neutraonium Plating**          12,100 x cost facor       +11                               20
*Disadvantage on Stealth checks in this armor.
**Disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and Athletics (Swim) unless it has a swim speed.

Droid Accessories Table 2


Antitheft comlink locator                                   100cr                     .5 kg 
Audio enhancers                                             2,000cr                      1 kg
Audio-radial stunner                                       5,000cr                      3 kg Restricted
Automap                                                          1,000cr                       2 kg
Blaster recharge interface                                300cr                        1 kg Licensed
Collapsible construction                               2,000cr x cost factor  
Concealed item                                              *Appendage + weapon*     Restricted
Courier compartments                                    200cr  
Credit reader                                                      50cr                             1 kg Licensed
Electric defense grid                                      3,000cr x cost factor 100 kg Restricted 11
Emergency oxygen supply                             200cr                              2 kg
Hidden holster                                                 500cr x cost factor        2 kg Licensed
High-speed cutting torch and welder             2,500cr                    500 kg Licensed III D
Holographic game system                               300cr                            3 kg 
Holographic image disguiser                        20,000cr x cost factor  20 kg Restricted
ID dodge                                                          5,000cr                           1 kg Illegal  
Interference generator                                    2,500cr                          1 kg Restricted 
Internal defenses                                                   10cr x cost factor      1 kg Licensed
Internal grapple gun                                            100cr x cost factor     2 kg 
Mesh tape dispenser                                             10cr x cost factor      5 kg 
Micro shield                                                        600cr x cost factor      10 kg Licensed  
Multifunction apparatus                                        80cr x cost factor      15 kg 
Multispectrum searchlight                                   100cr                            2 kg
Radiant heat element                                          200cr                         20 kg 
Remote viewer                                                   1,000cr                         20 kg
Rental restraining bolt                                            10cr                            .5 kg
Repulsorcam                                                       1,000cr                         20 kg
Scomp link                                                              100cr                            1 kg
Silence-bubble generator                                   3,500cr                       20 kg 
Space-beacon launcher                                      5,000cr                        10 kg
Survival kit                                                               100cr                           1 kg
Taser                                                                       250cr                        2 kg Licensed
Video screen                                                               1cr x mm               1 kg  
Voice-print command lock                                     400cr                        1 kg
Weapon detector                                                  1,500cr                       5 kg Licensed 
*Concealed Item Cost (ex. Pistol in leg, 60cr+50cr. Rifle in Plasteel Torso 400cr+70cr. You must have droid armor to purchase this Accessory.)


Magnetic hands                           Appendage cost x 2 
Projectile hand                             Appendage cost x 2  Licensed
Quick-release coupling 
Appendage                                      50cr x cost factor
Tool                                                   10cr x cost factor  
Remote limb control                     Appendage cost x 2 Restricted
Rocket arm                                    Appendage cost x 4  factor Illegal


Communications countermeasu res             1,000cr         3 kg Restricted
Communications jammer                              5,000cr         5 kg Military
Remote receiver jammer                              2,000cr          2 kg Military 
Remote receiver signal booster                      500cr         2 kg Licensed 


Burrower drive                                                  200cr x cost factor x (speed/5)  Restricted
Gyroscopic stabilizers                                         2cr x cost factor x (speed/5)  
Underwater Drive                                               20cr x cost factor x (speed/5)  Licensed 


Sensor booster                                                   200cr                          5 kg
Sensor countermeasure package                   1,000cr                         2 kg
YV sensor package                                          1,000cr                         3 kg Military
Shield expansion module                                     50cr x SR x factor  3 kg Military