The Crew

Vehicle Crew

A character in a vehicle fills one of the several possible roles, which determines what the character can do. A character can fill several roles at once, but most roles may only be filled by one character at a time. For example, an X-wing pilot also acts as the vehicle's commander and gunner, while his astromech droid usally acts as a copilot, shieled operator, and engineer. On the other hand, a Imperial-class Star Destroyer with thousands of crewmembers still has only one pilot, one commander and so forth. You can change roles from round to round, but you can only start filling a partucular role if no other crewmember has filled that role since your last turn.

Crew Roles


The pilot of the vehicle controls its movement. Most vehicles have only one position from where the vehicle can be piloted. Piloting a vehicle is, at a minimum, a move action, which means that the pilot can do something else with its action and bonus action. A vehicle can have only one pilot at one time. The pilot adds the the vehicle's size modifier and Dexteriy modifier on all Initiative checks.

  • Move: You can move up to your vehicles speed. The only restriction for ehcile movement is that you cannot reenter a square you just left.
  • Full Stop: If you havent already used a move action or an action to dash your vehicle this turn, you can use a bonus action to bring your vehicle to a full stop. After that, the vehicle is considered stationary. You cannot bring a vehicle to a full stop if you used all out movement on your turn.
  • Increase Vehicle Speed: If you are a Specialist (Pilot), you may make a DC 20 Pilot check as a bonus action to push your vehicle beyond its normal limits. If the check fails, your vehicle's speed does not increase, and your vehicle movement is reduced by 1 square until the start of your next turn. If you succeed your vehicle's speed increases by 1 square until the start of your next turn. For every 5 points by which you exceed the DC your vehicles speed increases an additional 1 square.
  • Fight Defensively: As a action you can concentrate more on protecting your vehicle than hurting your enemies. You and all gunners on your vehicle have disadvantage on their attack roles until the start of your turn and all attacks against your vehicle have disadvantage.
  • All-Out Movement: As an Action, bonus and move action combined, You can move up to four times your vehicles speed. All of this movement must be in a straight line and you cant avoid collisions while doing so. Your vehicle loses its Dexterity bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn. You cant use All0Out Movement unless you moved on your last turn. Because most power is divereted to the engines when using this , gunners on board your vehicle cannot attack until the start of your next turn. Maximum Velocity (CHARACTER SCALE ONLY): If you use all out movement on your turn, you may move up to your vehicles maximum velocity with all out movement on your next turn. If you move your vehicles maximum velocity, you must either continue moving at the vehicles maximum velocity or use all out movement as your action on the following turn.
  • Ram: As an Action, you can attempt to ram a target by moving your vehicle into the targets fighting space. You must have sufficient movemnet to reach the targets fighting space and the ram is treated as an area effect. You can use your vehicle to ram just about anyting including another vehicle a creature or a structure. Make a Pilot check at a -10  against the targets AC if the check succeds your vehicle the target and all passengers aboard vehicles involved int eh colliosion take the amount of damage listed in the Collision Damage Table. Assuming youre alive and concious, you can continue moving through the targets fighting space if your vehicle has any movement left. Otherwise, your vehicle is pushed out of the targets fighing space and into the nearest available squares and your turn ends. If your Pilot check fails, your vehicle, the target and all passengers aboard vehicles involved in the colliosn take half damage in addition your vehcile is pushed out of the targets fighting space and into the nearst availabble squares, at which point your turn ends. If the colliding vehicle is moving all out or mvmoving at maximum velocity double the damage caused by the collisoion. 
  • Avoid Collision: Any time your vehicle is subject to a collision, you can make a DC 15 Pilot check as a reaction. If you succeed on the check, all targets involved in the conlission take half damage. You cant attempt to avoid a collision when you intentionally ram a target.


A copilot can help by using its action to use the Help action for one of the pilots checks. The copilot must be seated in a location where he can see in front of the vehicle and advise the pilot (in most cases in the cockpit). A vehicle can have only one copilot at a time. The Copilot can also control one of the vehicles gunner positions. The copilot uses its action to control and fire the gun.


Most military vehicles and some civilian vehicles have built-in weapons. Any weapon not controlled by the pilot or co-pilot requires a gunner to operate. A vehicle can have as many gunners as it has gunner postions.

  • Attack: Any gunners (including pilot and copilot if there are pilot/copilot operated weapons on the vehicle) can make an attack with their vehicle weapon as an action.  
  • Aim:: You can use an action to aim at a target within range giving you advantage on your next attack roll against that target.
  • Full Attack: If you are capable of making more thean one attack (Extra Attack) you must make a Full Attack to get those extra attacks. A pilot who spends at least a move action every round moving the vehicle cannot makea a full attack action unless the vehicle has already been brought to a full stop.


The commander coordinates the various crewmembers, passangers and stations aboard the vehicle, analyzes the battle as it unfolds, and looks for weaknesses in the enemy's vehicles and tactics. A vehicle can only have one commander at a time. 

  • Analyze: As an Action, you can make a Insight check to attempt to try and figure out the attack pattern and tactics of an enemy vehicle effectively giving you insight to their next movement.
  • Coordination: As an Action, you can judge which stations require the most attention and direct them as needed giving them your action to spend immediately.
  • Evaluate: If you are proficient in Mechanics, you can make a Mechanics check to identify any weaknesses in your vehicle or any vehicle you can see. 

System Operator

The system operator manages the vehicle's shields, sensors, and communications. A vehicle can only have one system operator at a time. The recharge the shields in this way causes damage to bleed over.

  • Raise or Lower Shields: As an Action, you can activate or deactivate the shields on your vehicle. Shields are generally kept inactive in noncombat situations to reduce strain on the vehicles systems, and raising shields is often perceived as evidence of hostile intent, so many commanders prefer to keep their shields down unless they are expectiong trouble.
  • Recharge Shields: As an action, you can make a DC 20 Use Computer check to increase your current shield rating by 5, up to the vehicles normal maximum.

Chief Engineer

The chief engineer keeps the ship running even as it takes debilitating damage to its systems, diverting power from overloaded circuits to keep the ship functional. The engineer also leads efforsts to repair damage to the hull between battles. A vehicle can only have one chief engineer at a time.

  • Reroute Power: As an Action, you can reduce power from one station and give it to another station. Doing this can Increase move speed by 1 square, increase shields by 5, increase Gunner damage by +5, but has the opposite effect on whichever station you draw the power from.

Other Crew

Other crewmembers can fill many supporting roles, coordinating troops or starfighters, administraering medical care, guarding sensitive areas, and providing general maintenance. These crewmembers can assist others on some skill checks, for example the memebrs of a repair team may assist the chief engineeer inn his duties on capital ships.


All other personnel aboard the vehicle are considered passengers. Passengers have no specific role in the vehicle's operation, but may take actions aboard the vehicle or replace crewmembers as needed.

Collision Damage

Size of Colliding Vehicle or Hazard                 Damage
Colossal (Station)                                         20d6+Str Mod
Colossal (Cruiser)                                         15d6+Str Mod
Colossal (Frigate)                                         10d6+Str Mod
Colossal                                                          8d6+Str Mod
Gargantuan                                                    6d6+Str Mod
Huge                                                               4d6+Str Mod
Large                                                              2d6+Str Mod
Double the damage if the colliding vehicle is using All-Out Movement

Vehicle Condition Tracker

A vehicle not affected by any debilitating conditions is assumed to be in a "normal state" which reprpesnts one end of the condition track. Each debilitating effect to which it succems moves it one or more steps along the condtition track. When a vehicle is pushed down the condition track, all of the vehicles occupants suffer the same penalties as the vehicle itself until the vehicle is disabled. These penaltites affect the vehicles occupants while they reside within the vehicle. When the vehicle becomes disabled all systems shut down including life support and oxygen. The vehicle Condition Trackers establishes the external and internal enviroment the the occupants must suffer through while aboard. 

You move down the track each time your ship takes damage that isn't prevented by shields.

Steps                   Conditions
   1                        Normal State 
   2               -1 penalty to all defenses, and rolls
   3               -2 penalty to all defenses and rolls
   4               -5 penalty to all defenses and rolls
   5               -10 penalty to all defenses and rolls, Half Speed
   6                    Helpless (Disabled)