Derived Stats, Size and Movement


Derived Stats, Size, and Movement

Digimon are more than just bundles of Stats and Qualities; there are a few more details that go into fleshing out a Digimon mechanically as well as finishing off the flavor.


A Partner Digimon has an associated Size with each Stage. A Digimon's Size will effect its Body score as well as how many 1x1 Spaces it fits into at a given time. The basic Size guidelines will assume the Digimon fits into a box, but ask your GM if your Digimon may be Large with a strange shape, such as Seadramon.`

Size                  Area                    Square                   Extra

Tiny                   1x1                          1+                   May occupy squares that another Digimon                                                                                       or Tamer are standing in.

Small                  1x1                         1+                   May move through squares that other                                                                                               Digimon or Tamers are standing in. +2 to Body.

Medium              1x1                         1+                   +4 to Body.

Large                  2x2                        4+                 +6 to Body.

Huge                  3x3                         9+                 +8 to Body.

Gigantic             4+x4+                     16+                 +10 to Body.

Digimon can yield many different sizes. All Digimon in the Fresh and In Training stage are considered Tiny. All Digimon in the Rookie stage are considered small. When they move onto Champion and Higher, their forms shift in a myriad of ways and can range from anywhere on the chart from Tiny to Gigantic. Examples are, piximon falls in the Tiny catagory, Whamon falls in the Huge category and WarGreymon falls in the Large category. Due the the large list of Digimon, GMs use your best guess when determining a Digimon's size. Reminder that each square is considered five feet in length or height.

When determining the size of your Digimon at higher stages it must follow the following rules. Champions can be Large or smaller. Ultimate and Mega can be Huge or smaller. Everything above mega can be Gigantic or smaller.

A Digimon's Size adds an additional 2 points to its Body Stat for each Size it is above Tiny. For example, a Huge Digimon would add 8 points to its total Body Score after averaging out Health, Armor, and Damage.

Derived Stats

A Digimon has three Derived Stats which it may use in rolls similar to a Tamer, and which will help to quantify certain Qualities. These Stats are Hit Points, Body, Brains, and Agility, which are further derived into the Bit, RAM, and CPU Values which are included to create an easy lookup system for Qualities which would be based on a percentile of a Derived Stat. Always round down when calculating Derived Stats.

Hit Points (HP): Health+Stage Bonus.

Agility: (Accuracy+Dodge)/2

Body: ((Health+Damage+Armor)/3)+Size Bonus.

Brains: (Accuracy/2)+Stage Bonus.

Bit Value: Brains/10

CPU Value: Body/10

RAM Value: Agility/10

A Digimon may use its Agility, Body, or Brains Stat to make checks similar to a Tamer's. For example, if you want your Digimon to help lift a heavy object, or to make sure it can make an endurance test, you would make a check using its Body Stat the same way you would roll Feats of Strength or Endurance on a Tamer. A Digimon's Derived Stats are a bit more generic and covering than a Tamer's.


A Digimon has two classifications of Movement before Qualities come into play: Base Movement, and Movement. Base Movement is essentially the Digimon's Base Movement decided by its Stage detailed in Advanced Digimon Creation section. This outlines the number of squares it can move and how some qualities are affected.

Movement is how fast a Digimon can move in a single round over solid footing (a lot of games refer to this as Walking Speed or just Movement or Speed). This can get a bit confusing, but it's useful to know the difference when making calculations. Digimon sport a Jump height equal to half of their Basic Movement, and a Swimming speed equal to half their Basic Movement, unless the Digimon sports the Jumper or Swimmer Qualities, which would let them move equal to their Basic Movement. To calculate a Digimons movement, you multiply their base movement by 5. Example would be a Rookie Digimon with a base movement of 6 would have a movement of 30ft. Whereas a Mega Digimon would have a Movement of 60ft.