Fallout: Perks

Fallout: Perks

Strength Perks

  • Level 01: Iron Fist - Increased unarmed attack damage
  • Level 02: Big Leagues - Increased melee damage
  • Level 03: Armorer - Access Rank 1 armor mods
  • Level 04: Blacksmith - Rank 1 melee weapon mods
  • Level 05: Heavy Gunner - Increased heavy gun damage
  • Level 06: Strong Back - Carry additional weight
  • Level 07: Steady Aim - Improved hip-fire accuracy
  • Level 08: Basher - Gun bashing does more damage
  • Level 09: Rooted - Damage resistance while idle
  • Level 10: Pain Train - Sprinting into enemies staggers

Perception Perks

  • Level 01: Pickpocket - Picking pockets is easier
  • Level 02: Rifleman - Non-automatic rifles do more damage
  • Level 03: Awareness - Damage resistance shown in V.A.T.S.
  • Level 04: Locksmith - Pick advanced level locks
  • Level 05: Demolition Expert - More damage from explosives
  • Level 06: Night Person - More Intelligence and Perception at night
  • Level 07: Refractor - Increased Energy Resistance
  • Level 08: Sniper - Hold your breath longer while in scope view
  • Level 09: Penetrator - Target enemies behind cover with V.A.T.S.
  • Level 10: Concentrated Fire - V.A.T.S. attacks stack damage

Endurance Perks

  • Level 01: Toughness - Gain additional Damage Resistance
  • Level 02: Lead Belly - Less Radiation from eating and drinking
  • Level 03: Life Giver - You gain additional max Health
  • Level 04: Chem Resistant - Less likely to get addicted to chems
  • Level 05: Aquagirl - You can breathe underwater
  • Level 06: Rad Resistant - Gain additional Radiation Resistance
  • Level 07: Adamantium Skeleton - Reduced limb damage
  • Level 08: Cannibal - Eating humans restores your health now
  • Level 09: Ghoulish - Radiation regenerates your lost health
  • Level 10: Solar Powered - More Strength and Endurance during day

Charisma Perks

  • Level 01: Cap Collector - Buying and selling at vendors is cheaper
  • Level 02: Black Widow - Men suffer more damage in combat with you
  • Level 03: Lone Wanderer - Less damage when you're without a companion
  • Level 04: Pet Pal - You gain a Pet friend
  • Level 05: Animal Friend - Pacify animals by aiming your gun at them
  • Level 06: Local Leader - Become a Leader and buff your allies
  • Level 07: Party Girl - You cannot get addicted to alcohol whatsoever
  • Level 08: Inspirational - Your companion does more damage in combat
  • Level 09: Wasteland Whisperer - Pacify creatures by aiming a gun at them
  • Level 10: Intimidation - Pacify humans by aiming your weapon at them

Intelligence Perks

  • Level 01: V.A.N.S. - Closest quest target is now displayed when using V.A.T.S.
  • Level 02: Medic - Stimpaks and RadAway are more effective when used
  • Level 03: Gun Nut - Access base level and Rank 1 gun mods while crafting
  • Level 04: Hacker - You can now hack advanced level computer terminals
  • Level 05: Scrapper - Repair your equipment even better
  • Level 06: Science - Access to base level and Rank 1 high tech modifications
  • Level 07: Chemist - All chems will last 50 percent longer when used
  • Level 08: Robotics Expert - Gives you the ability to hack robots and control them
  • Level 09: Nuclear Physicist - Radiation weapons cause more damage to foes
  • Level 10: Nerd Rage! - When your health drops, you slow time in combat

Agility Perks

  • Level 01: Gunslinger - Non-automatic pistols do more damage with this perk
  • Level 02: Commando - Automatic weapons will do 20 percent more damage
  • Level 03: Sneak - You are harder to detect while you're in the sneak mode
  • Level 04: Mister Sandman - Your suppressed weapons do additional damage
  • Level 05: Action Girl - Action Points regenerate faster than they did before
  • Level 06: Moving Target - Damage and Energy Resistance while sprinting
  • Level 07: Ninja - Sneak attacks do more damage, and so do your melee attacks
  • Level 08: Quick Hands - You will reload your weapons faster in while in combat
  • Level 09: Grim Reaper's Sprint - Kills with V.A.T.S. can restore all Action Points
  • Level 10: Four Leaf Clover - Hits in V.A.T.S. can refill your critical meter

Luck Perks

  • Level 01: Fortune Finder - Find more bottle caps when searching containers
  • Level 02: Scrounger - You will find more ammunition when searching containers
  • Level 03: Bloody Mess - Enemies will sometimes explode into a gory red paste
  • Level 04: Mysterious Stranger - A stranger can appear to help when using V.A.T.S.
  • Level 05: Idiot Savant - You can randomly receive additional XP from actions
  • Level 06: Better Criticals - Critical hits on your enemies will do much more damage
  • Level 07: Critical Banker - You can save critical hits to be used in V.A.T.S. instead
  • Level 08: Grim Reaper's Sprint - A kill in V.A.T.S. can restore all of your Action Points
  • Level 09: Four Leaf Clover - Each hit in V.A.T.S. could restore your critical hit meter
  • Level 10: Ricochet - An opponents ranged attack could ricochet back and kill them