Fallout: Skills
Fallout: Skills
Skills are learned abilities of your character. The skill level shows how good your character is at that skill. Skill levels can be increased by allocating skill points earned from gaining levels.
Skill Description Stat Starting Value
Animalism Handle Animals Perception (PE + AG)
Armorsmith Craft Armor Perception (PE) + (AG)
Athletics Jump,Swim,Climb Strength (ST + AG) + 5
Barter Haggling Charisma (CH * 2)
Big Guns Oversized Weapons Stregnth (ST) + (PE) + (AG)
Charm Influence others Charisma (CH * 2) + 5
Computer Sci. Hacking/CPU Knowledge Intelligence (IN) + (PE)
Deception Ability to Lie Charisma (CH * 2)
Detection See the hidden Perception (PE * 2)
Doctor Use of Meds/Drugs Intelligence (IN) + (PE)
Electronics Craft Electronics Intelligence (IN) + (PE)
Energy Weaps Use of En. Weaps. Perception (PE * 2) + 5
Explosive/Trap Find/Use Trap/Explosives Perception (PE) + (AG)
Gambling Talent at Gambling Luck (LK *2) + 5
Herbalism Craft using plants Intelligence (IN) + (AG) + (PE)
Intimidation Threatning Pressence Charisma (CH *2) +5
Investigation Find/Gather Information Charisma (CH) + (IN) + (PE)
Leadership Inspire followers Charisma (CH) + (IN)
Lockpick Proficiency picking locks Perception (PE) + (AG) + 5
Melee Weaps Effectivemess melee weaps Strength (ST) + (AG)
Nature Sci. Information on Animals Intelligence (IN * 2) + 5
Pilot Effectiveness with Vehicles Agility (AG) + (PE)
Repair Restore Equpiment Intelligence (IN * 2)
Robotics Knowledge about Robots Intelligence (IN * 2)
Small Guns Effectiveness with firearms Perception (PE * 2) + 5
Sneak Move Undetected Agility (AG * 2)
Steal Take stuff thats not yours Agility (AG * 2) + 5
Survival Endure harsh enviroments Endurance (EN) + (IN) + 5
Throwing Toss items Stregnth (ST) + (AG)
Unarmed Unarmed Fighting Stregnth (ST) + (AG)
Weaponsmith Craft Weapons Perception (PE) + (AG)
Wilderness Lore Knowledge of Wilderness Intelligence (IN) + (PE) + 5
Starting Hit Point Maximum (15 + ST) + (EN * 2)
Hit Points Upon Level Up (3 + 1/2 EN)
For most skills, the success of an action governed by one is determined by either directly checking skill level against a threshold or with a skill roll.
Skill Roll
A skill roll (also called "skill check") emulates the way skill checks are done in traditional pen-and-paper RPGs.
A random number from 1 to 100 is rolled. If it is lower or equal to the skill level, the action is a success. So, for an unmodified check, skill level is effectively a chance of success for a relevant action.
A check can have a modifier that the skill level is adjusted by for the purpose of the check. So a positive modifier makes the action easier while a negative one - harder. Modifiers for checks associated with specific object or logic (like a dialogue option) are set explicitly. A few skills can also generate critical successes and critical failures.
Modified Checks
When something gives you a + or - it affects the threshold of the check required to succeed or fail. This is most commonly seen with combat skill checks.
Your small guns skill is a 45 and you wish to attack a creature with a pistol. Normally you would roll a d100 and if you roll between 1 and 45 its considered a success. If you gain a modifier from any source such as a +5 to hit, your threshold now becomes 50 for that check making it easier to succeed. If you get a -5 to hit your new threshold becomes a 40 making the check much harder to succeed.
Crafting and Repair
Most skill checks are quick and only take an action to perform, while others that revolve around crafting and repair take 1 hour of downtime or half as much for consumable items to perform. Whenever you use a skill to craft or repair an item it requires the appropriate workbence and 1 hour of downtime to complete. At the end of the 1 hour you can make a skill check, on a success you craft/repair the item. On a failure you don't lose any materials but you must spend the 1 hour of downtime again to attempt another skill check.
Hacking is used on terminals that are locked. The difficulty is Novice, Advanced, Expert and Master. You can make 4 attempts before locking you out completely. Anyone can attempt to hack as long as they have an Intelligence of 3, but you must have perks to Hack higher level encryption. Make a Computer Science check, on a success you hack into the terminal.
Contested Skill Checks
Somethines skill checks need to be contested to determine an outcome such as a Detection Check vs a Sneak Check. To do this, each rolls their skill checks. if one succeeds and the other fails then the one who succeeds wins the skill check. If both skill checks succeed or fail then the one who comes closest to succeeding or succeeds by the greatest amount wins the contested skill check.
Failing to Throw
When you fail a throwing check roll a 1d8 with a 1 being North of the target and 8 being North West. The object being thrown lands 1ft in that direction for every 1 point you failed by.