Medical Supplies

Medical Supplies & Tool Kits


Item Price

Antibiotics                          100 cr

Anti-venom                         100 cr

Medical Kit                          500 cr

Painkillers                            175 cr

Rad-cleanser                        100 cr

Sprayskin                              100 cr

Over-drive Stimulant           200 cr

Kolto Stim-pak

  • Stim-pak, Basic        200cr

  • Stim-pak Advanced 750cr

  • Stim-pak, Elite         1,500cr

  • Stim-pak, Master    5,000cr

Adrenal Stim                        2,500cr

Strength Stim

  • Strength Stim, Basic            500cr

  • Strength Stim, Advanced.  1,500cr

  • Strength Stim, Elite            3,500cr

  • Strength Stim, Master        5,000cr


This drug allows a target to immediately re-roll a saving throw against a disease or infection acquired in the last 8 hours, with advantage. If successful, all remaining effects of the disease or infection are negated.
Antivenom: When applied, a character may reroll a saving throw against a poison effect acquired in the last one minute. They lose the poisoned condition if they have it. If damage was taken from poison, the character recovers HP equal to half of that damage dealt.

Medical Kit (Medpac): 

This is a Toolkit and a collection of medical supplies and tools in a handy carrying case. A medkit contains enough supplies for ten uses until it must be replaced. A character proficient in this toolkit reduces the DCs of the following uses of the med kit by 5.

  • As an action, Make a DC 20 Wisdom (Med Kit), and if successful, the target can spend a single hit die during this period of bandaging and healing. This does not use up their hit die.
  • As an action, Make a DC 15 Wisdom (Med Kit) check to stabilize a dying creature.
  • With a DC 15 Wisdom (Med Kit) check, treat up to six creatures, spending 1 use of this Toolkit per creature treated, allowing them to regain an additional 1d6 hit points per hit die, if they spend any healing dice for healing during a short rest. A character can only benefit from one such application per short rest.


Painkillers render a creature resistant to the effects of pain, allowing them to gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to their Character Level + Constitution Modifier. A character cannot benefit from this effect again until they have taken a short or long rest.


A mix of potassium chlorate and proprietary compounds, this medicine fights radiation sickness by flushing radiation from the body. A character who is administered a dose may spend hit dice to restore maximum HP reduced by radiation damage by an amount equal to the die rolled plus their constitution bonus. A character may not benefit from another dose of radcleanse until after a long rest.


This miraculous substance is applied from an aerosol container, and immediately sterilizes a wound, covering it with a skin colored layer of material that seals a wound and acts as a growth medium for the body's cells, quickening healing while serving as replacement flesh. Applying this product is an action that recovers 1d6 hp and if the user is proficient in the Medical Kit Tool, allows the healed character to spend a healing die.

Over-drive Stimulant: 

This medicine heightens a character's alertness and energy. Administering a dose is an action that sets a character's initiative to 20 + dex bonus for the duration of the current encounter and grants advantage on all perception and investigation ability checks and initiative checks made for the next hour. Additionally a creature that uses this stimulant has all current levels of exhaustion removed for the duration of the stimulant. Once the stimulant's duration expires the creature regains all previous levels of exhaustion and gains one additional level.

Kolto Stim-Paks: 

These kolto-filled devices are used quite frequently by soldiers on the battle-field, when injected directly into the bloodstream, the kolto healing liquid quickly takes effect through the circulatory system, finding its way to whatever wounds and mending your body on a rapid-based cellular level, the effects are quick, and help in numbing pain, but it's not a miracle, even Stim-paks and kolto has its limit. There are several grades of Stim-paks, usually defined by the purity and quality of the Kolto utilized within them. Your Medicine Rank is your passive Medicine.

  • Basic Stim-pak: as a bonus action, you inject yourself with a basic Kolto Stimpak, regaining 2d4+2+Medicine Rank hit points.

  • Advanced Stim-pak: As an action, you inject yourself with an advanced Kolto Stim-pak, regaining 4d4+4+Medicine Rank hit points.

  • Elite Stim-pak: as an action, you inject yourself with an Elite Kolto Stim-pak, regaining 8d4+8+Medicine Rank Hit Points.

  • Life Support: As an action, you inject yourself with a master grade Kolto Stim-pak regaining 10d4+20+Medicine Rank Hit Points.

Adrenal Stim: 

As an action, when you inject this stimulant into your blood stream, the formula stimulates your cells and adrenaline into over-drive, heightening your senses and reflexes to a far superior level. For the next 1 minute,your speed speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gains an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
When the Stimulants effect ends, you can't move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you and you gain one level of exhaustion.

Strength Stim: 

As an action, you can inject this stimulant into your bloodstream, the formula sends your muscles into overdrive, heightening them with a unique formula derived from the adrenal glands of various ferocious animals across the galaxy. There are varying forms of Strength stems, dependent on the quality and adrenal gland of the animal it is derived from, the more expensive quality strength stims are derived from more exotic and dangerous beasts from across the galaxy.

  • Basic Strength Stim: your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 minute. The Stim has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

  • Advanced Strength Stim: your Strength score changes to 23 for 1 minute. The Stim has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

  • Elite Strength Stim: your Strength score changes to 25 for 1 minute. The Stim has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

  • Master Strength Stim: your Strength score changes to 29 for 1 minute. The Stim has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

Droid Recovery Items

These kits allow a droid to repair itself. They can't be used by living beings. These require an action to use.

Repair kit                            Repair Healing                   Cost
Repair Kit                           15 + Mechanics Rank         750cr
Advanced Repair Kit         25 + Mechanics Rank x 2  1500cr
Construction Kit                 35 + Mecahnics Rank x 3

Poisons & Diseases

Poison Hazards are toxins that can be Ingested, Inhaled, or contracted through contact. They always attack the Fortitude Defense of a target, ignoring Equipment bonuses to a target's Fortitude Defense, a target's Damage Reduction, and a target's Shield Rating. They cause Persistent Conditions if they move a target down the Condition Track. The Persistent Condition cannot be removed until the Poison is cured (See Treat Injury for more details), or until the Poison fails it's attack roll against a target once. Contact Poisons can be applied to Weapons; when a poisoned weapon damages the target, the Poison then makes its attack against the target's Fortitude Defense.

A creature that dies from Poison damage can be Revived, however, Reviving a creature doesn't remove the Poison from it's system; the Poison must be treated separately.

A creature wearing a functional Breath Mask is immune to Inhaled Poisons, including Toxic Gases and Toxic Atmospheres. Poisons affect only living creatures; Droids and Vehicles are immune.


A Treat Injury skill or someone proficient in the Medical Kit can attempt to cure poisons and diseases. The DC to treat them is the original save DC +5. If you fail the check, you can repeat the check dependent on how often the poison and diseasee triggers.


TYPE                         APPLICATIONS            Save DC        Cost(per dose)
Knockout Drugs       Ingested                          DC 12          400cr
When a creature fails, they retain their hit points, but fall unconscious for 30mins x the amount they failed by.

Paralytic Poison         Injected                        DC 15               1000cr
When a creature fails, they are paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the amount they failed by.

Dioxis                     Inhaled                             DC 18                1,600cr
Each time a creature inhales this poison, they must make a saving throw taking 4d6 damage on a failure, half on a success.

Sith Poison           Contact, Ingested               DC 20            2,000cr
When a creature comes in contact with this poison, they are inflicted with the poison and must make a saving throw taking 4d6 damage on a failure, half as much on a success. If the target spends a Force Point on a Universal or Lightside Force Power, they must repeat the saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 damage and gain 1 Darkside Point. No damage and Darkside gain on a success and if you succeed five times, you neutralize the poison.

Obah                          Inhaled                          DC 16                1,600cr

Obah is a nerve agent capable of paralyzing most Species. When exposed, the creature must make a saving throw, on a failure, target takes 2d12 damage and is paralyzed as long as they are exposed.

Null Gas                    Inhaled                         DC 22                    2,400cr

Null Gas is a unique type of gas that neutralizes oxygen in the air. When exposed, the creature must make a saving throw, on a failure, they take 3d10 damage or half on a succes. This effect is repeated at the start of their turn as long as they are still exposed. If they spend 1 minute exposed, that creature begins suffocating

Trauger                     Inhaled                          DC 24                  2,800cr
Trauger is a volcanic toxin created by underground pressure vents on Socorro. Exposure to trauger results in horrific effects; nausea, vertigo, respiratory failure, convulsions, muscle impairment, blurred vision, or even cardiac arrest could occur.
Galaxy of Intrigue. Target must succed on a saving throw or take 5d6 damage and gain one level of exhaustion or half as much on a success. This effect is repeated at the start of that creatures turn as long as they are exposed.

Bundar Root              Ingested                    DC 11                     300cr

Bundar Root causes short-term memory loss and affects a victim's ability to reason. When ingested, that creature must make a saving throw each round until they are treated. On a failure, they get a cumalitive -5 to skill checks and Wisdom saving throws that deal with memory and reasoning.

Quongoosh Essence     Ingested              DC 13                     900cr
Quongoosh Essence is a dangerous Poison that causes paralysis and blindness in its victim. When a creature ingests poison, they must make a saving throw, on a failure the creature becomes blinded. This effect lasts until treated.

Devaronian Blood-Poison   Contact          DC 14                     1,100cr
Devaronian Blood-Poison is a rare crystalline gem which is poisonous on contact. When a creature comes in contact, it must make a saving throw, on a failure the targets speed is reduced by 10ft. After every hour, the target repeats the saving throw, losing an additional 10ft. This repeats and remains active until treated.

Falsin's Rot                    Contact                DC 17                     1,500cr
Named after the fungus's first recorded victim, Falsin's Rot is a much-feared parasite that is rare in Nyriaan's more civilized locations. It begins as a spore that can take root anywhere on a subject's skin, although infections usually begin on the extremities. Painful, itching lesions form as the fungus multiplies, spreading along the limbs and onto the victim's torso and abdomen. If left alone, Falsin's Rot consumes a subject in less than a standard week.
Although deadly in the earliest days of Nyriaan's colonization, Falsin's Rot can be treated and cured. Treatment consists of applications of salves concocted from combinations of local flora and standard medicinal compounds, such as bacta. If treated early, few signs of the infection remain. Victims of advanced cases exhibit severe scarring, with the worst cases resulting in limb loss.

Chuba Poison                 Ingested              DC 18                     1,800cr

Potentially causing a stroke in a creature that ingests it, Chuba Poison is derived from glands of the Gorg, a small amphibious creature found on swampy planets. When ingested, creature must make a saving throw, on a failure, target gains 1 level of exhaustion. If they fail by 10 more more, they instead gain 2 levels of exhaustion. This repeats each day until treated.

Irksh Poison                      Ingested               DC 23                 3,500cr
Irksh Poison is a deadly substance created by the Yuuzhan Vong for their undercover agents to use on themselves in case they are captured. When ingested, creature must make a saving throw, on a failure, taking 8d6 damage and half as much on a success. This effect is repeated at the start of that creatures turn until it is treated.


Trihexalon                       Contact                   DC 25                 5,000cr

 Also known as Dragon's Breath or Hex, this potent biological agent comes in a powder form and causes massive breakdown in organic material. When a creature ingests, that creature makes a saving throw, on a failure, that creature takes 10d6 damage or half as much on a success. This repeats at the start of that creatures turn until treated. Because Trihexalon causes disintegration of biological matter, when a creature takes 60 damage from Trihexalon, loses the limb in contact with the Poison (Roll randomly (1d4) if the contact is not otherwise determined. 1 left arm, 2 right arm, 3 left leg, 4 right leg leg). 


Diseases are viruses and other organisms that attack the immune systems of living creatures. Disease Hazards always attack the Fortitude Defense of a target, ignoring Equipment bonuses to a target's Fortitude Defense, a target's Damage Reduction, and a target's Shield Rating. They cause Persistent Conditions if they move a target down the Condition Track. The Persistent Condition cannot be removed until the Disease is cured (See Treat Injury for more details), or until the Disease fails it's attack roll against a target twice. Unlike other Hazards, some Diseases may require special Equipment or medicine to treat. Diseases affect only living creatures; Droids and Vehicles are immune. Airborne Diseases are considered Atmospheric Hazards.

Death Seed Plague Contact DC 18 2,500cr

The Death Seed Plague is a dangerous disease caused by parasitic Droch. A creature infected with Death Seed Plague gains 1 level of Exhaustionand takes a -5 penalty to its Constitution Saving Throws. The effect occurs each day the disease remains untreated (The penalty to Constitution Saves is not cumulative). If the plague moves the creature to the bottom of the Exhaustion Table, the creature dies and cannot be revived.

The Exhaustion remains as long as the disease is untreated, and treating the disease requires a successful DC 25 Treat Injury check. Using a Bacta Tank reduces the Treat Injury DC to 15

Cardooine Chills            Exposer                        DC 12

This disease is common throughout the galaxy and is typically only an inconvenience. Once exposed, the target makes a saving throw everyday until treated. On a failure, target takes 1d6 damage. Once a creature is cured of the disease, it can never contract it again.

Krytos Virus                 Exposer                              DC 15

This genetically engineered virus was produced by the Empire to target non-Humans. Once exposed, the target makes a saving throw everyday until treated. On a failure, target takes 2d6 damage. Once a creature is cured of the disease, it can never contract it again. Humans gain advantage and a +5 on the saving throws.

Rakghoul Disease         Contact                         DC 16

When a Rakghoul successfully damages a living creature with its Bite attack, the target may become infected with the Rakghoul Disease. This disease is only contracted from a Rakghoul bite. Each day repeat the saving throw, after three failures, that creature is turned into a Rakghoul, becoming hostile to everyone. To remove this disease, a successful Treat Injury and Rakghoul Serum must be admistered (500cr).