Misc. Rules
Rest & Watch
After a long days travel in the wasteland you require some rest and relaxation. You need at least 8 hours of Rest with a minimum of 6 of those hours being sleep to gain a Full Rest. During this time you can stand watch for a maximum of 2 hours without losing your Full Rest. During watch you are always considered on alert for the purposes of Detection. When you finish your Full Rest you gain the Well Rested Condition for a number of hours equal to half the amount of hours you were asleep uninterrupted.
You can take a shorter rest, at least one hour and in doing so regain a dumber of hit points equal to 1d8+END. You can take this short rest up to 3 times per day.
Climbing, Jumping & Swimming
When you need to Climb you can do so at half your walking speed if it is a easy climb such as a fence or a wall with footholds. If there is anything beyoed this difficulty then it requires a successful Athletics skill check. On a failure, you make it up half way before you fall.
When you need to leap whether up high or at length you use your Strength score to determine how far and high you can jump. At a standing position you can jump up to half your Strength score rounded up. If you move at least 5ft you can jump your full Strength score. You can exert yourself and attept to jump further with a successful Athletics check. On a success, you can jump a number of extra feet equal to half your Strength score rounded up. .
Sometimes you may be forced to enter the waters of the wasteland. When you do so you can swim at half your walking speed as long as there is no to low current (3mph). If the current is any stronger then it requires a successful Athletics skill check. On a failure, you get swept up in the current and you travel a number of feet equal to twice the speed of the current. You move again at the start of your turn. You can attempt to swim again on your turn as an action.
Lockpicking & Hacking
This is used for anything that has a lock on it that can be picked open using a bobby pin. Bobby pin's are essentially weightless can can be found by themselves or in a container. To picklock a lock you need a bobby pin and then make a successful Lockpick skill check. If you fail the bobby pin takes 1 damage condition for every 5 points you fail by. A bobby pin breaks if it reaches 3 damage conditions. There are 4 different tiers of difficulty to lockpicking. Novice which can be done by anyone, Advanced, Expert and Master which require Perks to attempt. You automatically fall by 100 if you dont have these perks.
Hacking works similar to Lockpicking has anyone can attempt to hack a novice level terminal. You need perks to be able to hack difficult terminals such as Advanced, Expert and Master level terminals. A terminal can be hacked with a successful Computer Science skill check. Any terminal has 3 attempts before it locks itself for 24 hours. This locking process stacks every time it locks, (48hrs on 2 days of failed attempts, 72 hours on 3 days etc.).
You can use an action to try to inspire a creature and help them achieve in a skill check. When you do, make a Leadership skill check. If you succeed, that creature gets a plus to their next skill check equal to your Charisma. A creature can only benefit from one Leadership every hour whether you succeed or fail on the Leadership check.
Travel Pace
While traveling, a group of adventurers can move at a normal, fast, or slow pace, as shown on the Travel Pace table. The table states how far the party can move in a period of time and whether the pace has any effect. A fast pace makes characters less perceptive, while a slow pace makes it possible to sneak around and to Search an area more carefully.
Travel Pace and Effects
Pace Distance Traveled per... Effect
Minute Hour Day
Fast 400 ft 4 miles 30 miles -10 to Detection
Normal 300 ft 3 miles 24 miles -
Slow 200 ft 2 miles 18 miles Can Sneak
Forced March.
The Travel Pace table assumes that characters Travel for 8 hours in day. They can push on beyond that limit, at the risk of Exhaustion.
For each additional hour of Travel beyond 8 hours, the characters cover the distance shown in the Hour column for their pace, and each character must make a Survival Skill Check at the end of the hour.
The skill check is harder for each hour past the normal 8 hours. You get a -10 for each hour past 8 hours to your Survival skill check. On a failed skill check, a character suffers one level of Exhaustion (see Conditions ).
Difficult Terrain
The Travel speeds given in the Travel Pace table assume relatively simple terrain: roads, open plains, or clear corridors. But adventurers often face dense forests, deep swamps, rubble-filled ruins, steep mountains, and ice-covered ground-all considered Difficult Terrain.
You move at half speed in difficult terrain- moving 1 foot in Difficult Terrain costs 2 feet of speed-so you can cover only half the normal distance in a minute, an hour, or a day.
Dropping to 0 & Death
The world of Fallout is a very unforgiving world. Whether you drop to 0 hit points or you gain rads equal to your maximum hit points, you become unconscious at this stage. When you enter one of these stages the following happens:
Dropping to Zero: You are in a dying state and cannot take any actions. You are unconscious and remain in this state for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your endurance. You receive a -1 to Endurance until you finish a Long Rest. A Stimpack, Doctors Bag or the Doctor special feature can restore a creature at 0 hit points. If a creature does not get one of these before their time runs out then that creature permanently dies. Whenever an attack hits you during this state, you get a -1 to your endurance. If you reach 0 your character dies. It requires a Long Rest to recover 1 endurance.
Maximum Rads: You are in a dying state and cannot take any actions. You are unconscious and remain in this state for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your endurance. If you receive something that at least removes 1 point of radiation, you then follow the above Dropping to Zero rules.