The Smuggler


Smugglers can be found in nearly every spaceport and cantina in the galaxy. They make their living by transporting illegal or restricted goods under the watchful eye of local governments, turning a profit and undermining the authorities. They tend to be fast talkers, and even faster with the trigger finger.


Shoot First 

When you choose this Profession at 3rd level, you always keep an eye out for danger and tend to have an itchy trigger finger. When you roll Initiative, you can use your Reaction to draw a one handed ranged weapon and make one ranged weapon attack with that weapon. 

I Can Fly That  

Also beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Atmospheric and Space Vehicles. If you already have Proficiency, you gain Expertise. 

Everythings Fine Here , How Are You?

Starting at 6th level, you learn to bluff your way out of tight spots by flipping questions back on your interrogators—much like a certain fast-talking scoundrel over the comms. Whenever you make a Deception check in response to direct questioning, you can attempt to redirect the conversation by posing a question of your own. On a successful Deception check:

  • If the information you seek is on their surface thoughts, they must reveal it truthfully.
  • If it isn't readily on their mind, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your save DC (which uses Charisma as your Modifier). On a failed save, they answer truthfully. On a successful save, they realize something is amiss, and their hostility toward you increases.

I've Got A Bad Feeling About This   

Beginning at 10th level, you tend to have a bad feeling when you sense something is wrong. You gain a +5 to your Passive Perception and gain 15ft of Blindsight. In addition, while you are not incapacitated, you cannot be Surprised when you roll Initiative, if you are not first on the Turn order, you can immediately give yourself a +10 to your Initiative roll. 

Never Tell Me The Odds 

At 14th level, you have found ways of success even when there is low probability. When you fail a d20 roll, you can use your Reaction to name a number of numbers equal to your Dexterity modifier between 2 and 19. You then roll a d20 and if it lands on one of your chosen numbers, the d20 you initially failed become a Critical Success otherwise its seen as a Critical Failure. You can do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity Modifier. 

In addition, when you deliver a critical hit you can also add one of the following effects:

  • The target is disarmed of one held weapon.

  • The target is knocked prone.

  • The target is stunned until the end of its next turn

  • The target's speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn