Travel in the Galaxy

Travel in the Galaxy

All Starships have sublight drives to propel them through space, using them when taking off, landing, or flying within a star system. Starships also have ion drives capable of incredible acceleration (Thousands of times the force of gravity) due to a combination of exceptional thrust and manipulation of the Starship's mass relative to that of it's exhaust. In addition, repulsorlift drives are preferred for delicate maneuvering during takeoff and landing; in fact, the mass manipulation that makes ion drives so efficient in deep space is markedly less efficient in atmosphere, so almost all Starships use both drives in conjunction during atmospheric flight, particularly when near the surface of a planet.

You can use the following guidelines to determine travel time in Realspace for an average Starship:

DISTANCE TIME                                                                  REQUIRED

Surface of Planet to Orbit                                                   1-5 Minutes
Orbit to safe Hyperspace Jump Distance                         1 Minute
Planetary Orbit to Planet's Moon                                       10-30 Minutes
Planetary Orbit to another Planet in the same System    2-6 Hours
Planetary Orbit to outer edge of System                          12-24 Hours

Hyperspace Travel Time

Hyperspace travel is based on the grid system found on standard maps of the galaxy. Travel times depend on the number of grid squares the travel will take you through. Different parts of the galaxy take different amounts of time to travel through.

In most of the galaxy, each grid square of distance traveled takes 24 hours to traverse. Each square on the grid is equivalent to one system.

Major Hyperspace lanes and minor trade lanes alike are very well charted and constantly kept up-to-date. These lanes override the difficulty of traveling through The Deep Core (As the best routes have already been found and are kept marked,) and The Outer Rim (As the routes have obviously been charted.) Travel along these routes is safe and secure, taking only 12 hours per grid square traveled.

All times are multiplied by the class multiplier of your Hyperdrive. For example traveling two days in Hyperspace with a class 2 hyperdrive would take you 4 days of travel to reach that destination.
(number of days x hyperdrive)


Plotting a suitable Hyperspace course requires incredible difficult calculations; normally, only a character Trained in Astronavigation can calculate a jump to Hyperspace. However, the use of a Navicomputer not only grants a bonus on the Astronavigation check but also allows a character trained in Computer Use to plot a course to Hyperspace. Some small Starfighters, having no room for a Navicomputer, instead use astromech Droids programmed with a finite number of jumps to provide a Hyperspace course.

The difficulty of plotting a course through Hyperspace is determined by how recently you have updated your Astrogation data, as shown on the table


10                                  Less than 1 day
15                                  At least 1 day, but less than 1 standard week (5 days)
20                                 At least 1 week, but less than 1 standard month (35 days)
25                                 At least 1 month, but less than 1 standard year (368 days)
30                                 At least 1 year
Navi-Computer bonus +5
If you fail to properly input your navigation add a +1 to the d20 dice when rolling for a chance at a Hyperspace Mishap for each point below the Astronavigation DC. Example: If your DC is 15 and you only roll a 12. Then when you roll for a chance at a Hyperspace Mishap, you roll each day at 1d20+3 until you reach your destination or incur a Hyperspace Mishap.

You can acquire Astrogation Data in several different ways.

Using Your Own Data

If you use your own data, the age of the data is determined by the last time you finished a journey between the two planets in question.

The Space Ministry

This organization (Called the Imperial Space Ministry during the days of the Galactic Empire) is a bureaucracy whose influence is felt all across the galaxy. It disseminates Hyperspace travel information and enforces the laws and regulations of the space lanes. Responsible for providing spacers with the 6947-datapage Spacer's Information Manual (A compilation of the latest laws, regulations, addenda, and other red tape; available to all Pilots when renewing their certifications for a mere 25 credits), the Space Ministry is the keeper of the law in the space lanes, and it provides local spaceports with up-to-date Hyperspace navigational data.

A Starship can download the latest Ministry-approved astrogational updates either directly through The HoloNet (Prior to the Clone Wars) or from spaceport control (Any era); this service costs 150 credits and requires a current Captain's Accredited License and the ship's Operating License (See Permits and Licenses, above). Generally, data for The Outer Rim is less than 1 month old, data for other regions is less than 1 week old, and data for major Hyperlanes or routes within the same sector (Gamemaster's determination) is less than 1 day old. No data is available for The Deep Core, The Unknown Regions, Wild Space, classified installations, and any planet without a certified spaceport.

Those who operate outside the law can usually obtain the data with a proper bribe (Typically 300 credits with a DC 10 Gather Information check) or by making a Use Computer check to access secret information in the spaceport's computer (Will Defense 20, Indifferent).

The Hyperspace Navigator's Guild

In the early days of the Old Republic, The Hyperspace Navigator's Guild was responsible for maintaining the charts and navigational records used for Hyperspace travel. The Navigators Guild (Based on the planet later known as Empress Teta) employed a variety of scouts and pilots whole sole responsibility was to chart new and faster Hyperspace lanes, opening up new avenues to known worlds. Though the Guild was one of the most important institutions in the galaxy. Even in later eras, the organization remains one of the best sources for new hyperspace routes, particularly those in Wild Space and The Deep Core, and on the fringes of The Unknown Regions.

Purchasing Astrogation Data for traveling between any two planets costs 500 credits. This data is less than 1 week old for most destinations and less than 1 month old for destinations in Wild Space or The Deep Core. When available, data for The Unknown Regions is usually less than 1 year old.

Astrogation Data Modifiers

DC                   Age of Astrogation Data
10                     1 Day or less
15                     1 Day to 1 Week
20                    1 Week to 1 Standard Month (35 days)
25                    1 Month to 1 Standard Year (368 days)
30                    1 Year or more, No Data

Hyperspace Mishaps

When you travel through hyperspace, there is always a chance for a mishap to happen during your travels. For each day of travel through hyperspace, roll a 1d20 + 1 for each day after the 10th day. On a roll of 18 or higher, you suffer a Hyperspace Mishap. Roll a 1d20 and consult the chart below. If it cost credits to fix something, it is the listed credits x cost factor/size factor. If you are using one of the main hyperspace lanes, then only a roll of a natural 20 would incur a hyperspace mishap.

D20    Result
1-4       Starship passes too close to a blackhole. (Pilot Check DC 20) on a failure, the ship gets sucked into it and transported randomly in space.

4-7       Starship enters a uncharted asteroid field and takes 3d4 minutes to escape. Each minute make a Pilot check to avoid a collision. (DC 14 + 1 for every minute spent inside the field) on failure take 2d10x2 bludgeoning damage.

8-11      Starship enters a dense astroid field and takes 3d4 minutes to escape. Each minute make a Pilot check to avoid a collision. (DC 14 + 1 for every minute spent inside the field) on a failure take 4d10x2 bludgeoning damage.

12-15     Starship enters a gas nebula, make a Pilot check (DC 20), on a failure, lose Astrogation and ship becomes blinded. Astrogation and Pilot checks get a -10

16-17     Starship flies through a dust cloud, everything but life support is disabled. Requires 2d4 days to repair (Mechanics check DC 20). On a failure, must spend an additional 1d4 days and repeat the check.

18-19     Starship enters radiation field, make a Pilot check DC 20, on a failure, one system is randomly disabled. Repair with a DC 20 Mechanics check 1,000cr).

20         Starship enters into a strong radiation field, make a Pilot check DC 25, on a failure, 1d4+1 systems is randomly disabled. Requires a shipyard to fix at a cost of 1,500 each)

Battle Damage Against A Starship

When a starship takes a direct hit there is a chance for it to cause complications to it. When a ship takes a direct hit (when it has no shields), roll 1d20 and add the damage dealt to the roll and consult the chart below. If the result lands on something that doesnt pertain to your ship or is already destroyed, choose the next highest value. If your ship is below half of its hit points and you take a direct hit you instead roll, 1d20 + 20 + damage taken and consult the table below. If it cost credits to fix something, it is the listed credits x cost factor/size factor.

Battle Damage

Result  Type of Damage                          Effect
31-35   Stabalizer Damage                      -2 on Dex Checks and Attack rolls. Repair (DC 15 Mechanics 1,000cr)

36-40  Sensors Damaged                       -4 Computer Use when using Sensors (DC 15 Mechanics 750cr)

41-45   Computers Damaged                  -2 to Astrogation checks and attack rolls (DC 15 Mechanics 1,500cr)

46-50  Ion Engine Damaged                  Ships speed is reduced by 1 level (DC 16 Mechanics 1,250cr)

51-55   System Disabled                         One non essential system is disabled (DC 17 Mechanics 1,000cr)

56-60  Minor Weapon Damage              Last weapon used or Primary weapon becomes unusable (DC 18 Mechanics 1,500cr)

61-65   Minor Hyperdrive Damage         Increase your Hyperdrive by a multiple of 3 (DC 20 Mecahnics 1,750cr)

66-70  Computers Destroyed                Astrogation with onboard computers is impossible. Attack rolls take an additional -2 (DC 20 Mechanics 2,000cr)

71-75   Ion Engines Destroyed                The ship cannot perform any manuvers and the ship cannot move (DC 20 Mechanics 2,000cr)

76-80  Shield Generator Destroyed      All shields cannot be used and cannot recharge shields (must be replaced)

81-85   Major Weapon Damage             All weapons cannot be used (must be replaced)

86-90  Major Hyperdrive Damage        Primary hyperdrive cannot be used. Your backup still functions unless you get this result again (must be replaced)

91+     Widespread Damage                   Divide the damage by 2 and roll twice on the table adding each damage to the roll.


See also: The HoloNet

All Starships are equipped with basic systems that allow for communication in Realspace. Typically, Starship communications systems are limited to contacting ships and planets within the same star system, although subspace radios can reach distances of up to several light-years. Opening a channel to a willing recipient is a simple matter (The Use Communications use of the Use Computer skill). Once a channel is open, the ships can communicate freely. Some starships, particularly capital ships, also boast video and holographic communications systems that allow crewmembers on either vessel to see one another.

METOSP (Message to Spacers)

Upon arrival in a star system, most Starships immediately connect to the communications frequency responsible for broadcasting the prerecorded Message to Spacers, abbreviated METOSP. A METOSP might be as simple as a welcome message, but it usually informs incoming ships about flight hazards (Blockades, dangerous weather, debris, collisions) and local regulations or customs that could be relevant (Embargoes, tariffs, landing procedures). All METOSPs are broadcast in Basic, though many worlds also broadcast in native languages and common languages such as Bocce, Huttese, and Binary. A METOSP provides Starship Pilots with contact information for spaceport control and often includes information on landing patterns and space traffic lanes. Most METOSPs are brief, and if more information needs to be communicated on a particular subject, the METOSP will refer listeners to other broadcast channels.

Planetary Information Channels

Most planets also provide incoming space traffic with basic computer communications channels. These channels connect the ship to planetary information networks that provide everything from communications directory assistance to tourism information and planetary maps. Planetary information channels allow you to make Use Computer checks to Access Information (Per the normal use of the skill) relevant to the planet, and it is possible for a slicer to access other functions (DC 20, Indifferent)

The HoloNet

The HoloNet is an interstellar instantaneous communication system that allows planets to stay in contact despite the vast distances between systems. A HoloNet Transceiver transmits and receives information through Hyperspace, allowing the communications to travel millions of times faster than the speed of light across vast distances. Countless Hyperwave Transceivers (Simple satellites equipped with a variety of communications gear) are embedded in Hyperspace and transmit signals from one side of the galaxy to the other. This network allows for instantaneous, three-dimensional holographic communication for space fleets and planetary governments. During the Clone Wars and the reign of the Empire, the HoloNet is reserved for military use only, and news must be transmitted between worlds by other means (Such as subspace radio relays). However, some slicers are able to connect to HoloNet satellites and broadcast pirate signals across the network, gaining access to its information and enabling clandestine transmissions. A HoloNet node's security is difficult to penetrate, however (Will Defense 20, Hostile).

Most smaller military vessels have Hyperstranceivers, allowing access to the HoloNet and instantaneous communication over great distances but lacking the bandwidth and range of a HoloNet Transceiver