

Weapons fall into many catagories shown below. Each weapon has a single fire mode but there are some that are automatic weapons. Automatic weapons allow you to fire more the once in a single round. The following list details Automatic weapons and how many shots per round they get. When using an Automatic Weapon in V.A.T.S. action points are only spent once per round. Ex. Assault Rifle fires twice per round but still only costs the 15 action points to use it in V.A.T.S.


Assault Rifle


Submachine Gun


Gatling Laser


Cost Value

The value listed below is the absolute bare minimum the item can be purchased for. It is recommended that these values be 4-5 times the value listed below. In addition, cost can be increased by things such as lack of supplies, distance to nearest city. Cost can also be lower depending on the same factors as well as character's Barter Skill.

Repairing Your Weapons

To repair your weapons you need a weapon workbench and a gun with the same name. You break down one gun to fix another gun and reduce its weapon condition based on how many weapon conditions are left on the gun that was broken down. For example, if you break down a 10mm pistol that has 6 weapon conditions, it can be used to remove 4 weapon conditions on another 10mm pistol.

When you do this, you must spend at least 10 minutes working on it and at the end of the time succeed on a Repair Skill Check. If you fail on the check, the gun you tried to break down gains a weapon condition. Perks like the Scrapper can help assist in these matters.


Item                    damage         range         ammo        weight      Cost

44 pistol                4d8               119              .44 round        4            99 

10mm pistol           1d8               83              10mm               4            50  

Flare gun               1d10              146              Flare                4            25 

Western revolver 60 36 6 66 40 0.25 .44 round 6 5.2 99 


Item           damage        range   ammo               weight        Cost

Assault rifle   3d10           120     5.56mm               13             144 

Combat rifle  3d10+3        119     .45                        12             117  

Gauss rifle 110 66 191 69 30 3.67 2mm EC 7 15.8 228 14.4 

Hunting rifle    3d10+7       131     .308                     10              55 

Railway rifle 100 100 10 119 69 20 5 Railway spike 10 14.4 290 20.1 

Submachine gun  1d10     63        .45                      13              109  

Syringer             Variable  35 Syringer ammo     6                 132  


Item                  damage         range       ammo                 weight           cost

Combat                  5d10           20      Shotgun shell           8                  15

Double-barrel        4d10+5       36       Shotgun shell           9                  39 

Pipe weapons

Item                            damage       range       ammo       weight      cost

Pipe bolt-action             3d10+4       95           .308             6            10

Pipe Pistol                       1d10+3        57           .38               4             9 

Pipe revolver                  2d10+4       83           .45                6             6 

Heavy weapons

Item              damage          range          ammo          weight          cost

Fat Man         4d100+100        117           Mini nuke         31                 512 

Flamer 12 108 90 47 53 30 Flamer fuel 100 16.1 137 8.51 000e5881

Harpoon gun  150 2 143 63 40 Harpoon 1 16.3 205 12.58 

Junk Jet 40 20 119 75 30 Most junk items 29.9 285 6.2 000e942b

Minigun            1d4+4            131             5mm               27              382 

Missile launcher 150 2 203 65 45 Missile 1 21 314 14.95 0003f6f8

Broadsider 108 2 203 63 40 Cannonball 1 27.4 245 9 000fd11b


Item                      damage       range        ammo      weight        cost

Institute Pistol          1d10+5       66        Fusion cell     4               50 

Institute Rifle            2d10+5      100       Fusion cell      6               88

Laser musket           3d10            70         Fusion cell     13               57 

Laser Pistol               2d10+4        71         Fusion cell      4                69 

Laser Rifle                 3d10+5       100       Fusion cell     8                120

Gatling laser              1d10+4        203      Fusion core    20              804 


Item              damage      range     ammo     weight    Cost

Plasma gun    4d10+8      119        Plasma        3.9         123 


All these weapons count as non automatic weapons and thus work with either Gunslinger, Rifleman or Sniper respectively, except the Cryolator which is counted as a heavy gun and thus works with Heavy Gunner.

Item                        damage     range        ammo     weight     Cost

Alien blaster pistol    5d10         100          B.R or F.C.  2.5         1551 

Cryolator                   2d10           90           Cryo cell    13.2         302 

Tesla rifle                    3d10+8      70         Fusion cell     8.1           90 

Radiation weapons

These weapons produce radiation damage, including both direct damage from explosions and damage over time from exposure and poisoning. There is some variance in how damage is dealt within this class of weapon; please consult each weapon's page for specific details. Also, the radiation page explains the unique ways that this kind of damage is handled by the game. These are affected by the perk Nuclear Physicist in terms of radiation damage.


Item              Damage       Range            ammo           Weight       Cost

Gamma gun     10d10+10     60        Gamma round         3              156 

Zeta gun 57 62.7 66 119 Gamma round 8 3.1 156 50 002266fc

Poison weapons

Poison weapons utilize the poison damage type to deal ongoing damage to targets.

Item               Damage      range        ammo                  weight           Cost

Acid Soaker       1d10+1       35        Acid concentrate         3                125  


Explosives have a maximum range of 93. They seem to hit an invisible wall at their maximum range. Explosives benefit from the Demolition Expert perk.


Item                                  Damage    AOE       Weight        Cost 

Baseball grenade            10d10+1      10ft         1               40

Cryogenic grenade 151 Icon attack 0.5 50 100 

Fragmentation grenade 10d10+50   10ft  0.5 50  

Homing beacon                                                      1

Institute Pulse grenade 150 Icon electrical 0.5 100 200 

Molotov cocktail             5d10+1       10ft          0.5              20  

Nuka Quantum grenade  301  50 100 

Plasma grenade 150   0.5 135 270 

Pulse grenade 150 electrical 0.5 100 200 


Item                        Damage      AOE         weight       cost 

Bottlecap mine     2d100+101    attack         0.5           75 

Cryo mine 101 0.5 50 100 

Fragmentation mine 101 Icon attack 0.5 50 100 

Nuke mine 301  radiation 0.5 100 200 

Plasma mine 150 electrical 0.5 100 200 

Item                             Damage     Weight       Cost  

Smoke grenade                1              0.5              10

Vertibird signal grenade   1              0.5              10



Placed trap name     Damage        Weight

Bear trap                       8                    5

Bleeding bear trap       8                    5

Caltrops Caltrops         1                     0.1

Poisoned caltrops        1                      0.1

Melee weapons

Melee weapons follow the same lines as automatic weapons. Each melee weapon has a speed attached to it. A speed of Slow means you get 1 attack per round, a speed of medium gives you 2 attacks and a speed of fast gives you 3 attacks.


Bladed weapons can dismember limbs of humanoid opponents, permanently damaging the limb and disarming the target. Like all melee weapons, bladed weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength.

Item Blade Damage Attack Speed Critical Damage Weight Cost

Assaultron blade  17 19.8 Medium 35 3 50 

Chinese officer sword 16 18.7 Medium 35 0.46 3 50 16.7 

Combat knife 9 16 Fast 20 0.45 1 25 25 

Grognak's axe 25 29.8 Medium 20 1.25 10 100 10 

Machete 14 16.2 Medium 30 0.47 2 25 12.5 

Mr. Handy buzz blade  5 26.2 Very Fast 40 10 50 

Revolutionary sword 16 18.7 Medium 35 0.46 3 50 16.7

Switchblade 8 14.6 Fast 20 0.4 1 20 20 


Blunt weapons tend to stagger opponents more frequently than bladed weapons. Like all melee weapons, blunt weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength.

Item                          Blunt Damage        Attack Speed             Weight       Cost

Baseball bat                  1d10+6                      Slow                          3             25 

 Board 14 10.5 Slow 33 0.42 3 20 6.7 

Lead pipe 11 12.8 Medium 30 0.37 3 15 5 

Pipe wrench 13 15.3 Medium 35 0.37 2 30 15

Pool cue 13 9.9 Slow 30 0.43 1 10 10 

Rolling pin 11 12.8 Medium 25 0.44 1 10 10 

Security baton 11 12.8 Medium 30 0.37 2 15 7.5 

Sledgehammer 23 17.6 Slow 40 0.58 12 40 3.3 

Super sledge 40 30.8 Slow 45 0.89 20 180 9 

Tire iron 12 13.6 Medium 25 0.48 2 25 12.5 

Walking cane 10 11.9 Medium 20 0.5 2 10 5 

Fist weapons

Fist weapons benefit from the Iron Fist perk as well as from Strength. Note that fist weapons cannot be used while wearing power armor.

Item                           blunt damage     Attack Speed          Weight         Cost

Boxing glove                   2d6                  Medium                      10              10

Deathclaw gauntlett       2d10+5             Medium                       10              75

Knuckles                          1d10                  Medium                       0.5              10

Meat hook                        2d10                Medium                        2               32

Power fist                          2d10                Medium                         4               100 

Unarmed                            1d8                  Medium                         0                 0

Gun Bashing

Gun bashing allows you to hit a target with a gun you are wielding. When you do, make a Melee weapon skill check as you normally would. The damage is equal to 1dX where X is the damage die of your gun. Perks can increase this damage such as the Basher.